'RGA - DAC' a New Brand of Hifi coming to the UK

Discussion in 'Trade Adverts and Discussion' started by cliffyboy, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. cliffyboy


    Nov 19, 2008
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    As some of you will know, throughout 2009 I breifly mentioned that a new brand of hifi will be entering the UK in 2010 via my hifi group in Italy. Although quite secrative at the time, I have now been told I am able to discuss this in public.

    Although not currently for sale, after many years of research and design by the RGA group, they are now sending me one of their mid range DAC units in late february, with more units to follow subject the publics reaction and requests to listen to different models.

    The aim of RGA, is to give the public a DAC that takes knowledge and experiencecs of audiophiles whom have listened to a variety of hifi throuhgout their hifi journey and now want to offer what they have achieved in knowledge and knowhow, by building a DAC.

    So far when in blind tests in Italian Hifi dealerships, the RGA DAC has beat the Audio Note Signature 5 hands down.

    Not having heard the Signature 5 myself, I understand that this is a very good benchmark in regards to quality and am sure that certain members have had the opportunity to listen to the signature 5 at some point.

    My aim, once in receipt of the unit is to do the following:

    a. Arrange a bake off with other ZEROGAIN members so that the unit maybe compared to currently available DACS, with thoughts and opinions gathered. Not sure where this would be held, mine is a choice, subject to SWMBO.

    b. As agreed with two dealers so far, would be to visit and demo the unit and gather views and opinions.

    c. To hopefully bring the unit to Melton Hifi Show, alongside my main Rig. If not able to do so in March, I would be aiming for the next available show.

    d. To speak to hifi Mags and hopefully get a review out of them.

    e. Visit members in their own home, with their own rig and demo the unit, to again ascertain thoughts, opinions and any recommendations.

    Basically what I am intending on doing, is to compile views thoughts, recommendations about the unit, that subject to interest can and will be built on order through myself.

    All information gathered will be passed onto the owners at RGA and will be used to advance on any aspects of the unit/s currently being built.

    So please let me know your thoughts on the 5 points above and of course any recommendations that you may have in getting this unit into the public eye.

    If anyone would like to book a private demo at their place, please do let me know a.s.a.p. I am more than happy to bring the unit to your home so you can enjoy the unit in the system that may in the future be using an RGA product.

    Also, being based in London, I am more than happy for members to come to my place to have a listen.

    I look forward to your thoughts and if the Bake off comes to light, will start a new thread.

    Thanks to all in advance.


    FAO: Moderator. Please could you PM re the above thread, would like to liaise with you re: Trade Account please.
    cliffyboy, Jan 23, 2010
  2. cliffyboy

    RobHolt Moderator

    Oct 24, 2004
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    Hi Cliff,

    PM the forum Administrator Mark Telkman about the trade account and I'm sure he'll get that sorted for you.

    I'm always happy to do some listening and testing, so long as you can incorporate a degree of blind comparisons at some point.
    RobHolt, Jan 23, 2010
  3. cliffyboy

    SCIDB Moderator

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Hi Cliff,

    Follow Rob's advice for the trade account.

    Where in London are you based? A bake off sounds interesting.

    Any more details, spec, chip set, pictures, price etc.

    SCIDB, Jan 23, 2010
  4. cliffyboy


    Nov 19, 2008
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    Hi Rob, sorry for the delay, have just got out of hospital. Many thanks for your post.

    I will contact Mark Telkman and discuss the trade account.

    I would be more than happy to arrange a date to demo the unit.

    Although originally I was only due to receive one DAC from RGA, I will now be receiving two DACs, an entry level and a mid range version. To add, I will also be using my Woodside-Radford DAC as another comparison. So I will have the benefit of 3 DACs to compare.

    Furthermore, if anyone whom has a DAC already but is keen to listen to the 3 mentioned above, I of course am happy to travel accross the UK and if not will have all 3 DACs on demo within my music room at home.

    Look forward arranging all demos once I am in receipt of the two RGA DACs.


    cliffyboy, Jan 26, 2010
  5. cliffyboy


    Nov 19, 2008
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    Many thanks for your interest and advice.

    I am based in SE28, not to far from Greenwich.

    I have no details as yet, but have requested further info from RGA. At present I am aware of Siga transformers being used alongside Concordia cables (dependant on model). I will of course update all once more details have been obtained.

    As you may have read in my previous post, I will now be in teh receipt of 3 DACs, two RGA and a Woodside-Radgord DAC, so a bake-off is looking ever more likely.

    Not sure as to where one would be held, as my music room is out of bounds at present, but iwll be ready in mid to late March, if all goes well.

    Would you be interested in a bake off and if so, would you be comparing a DAC you already own??

    Please do let me know if you are local, be nice to meet up with any fellow member to demo the units.

    At present if doing a home dem, I will be using:

    Exposure XIV / IX / XVI monos

    Exposure CD Player / Woodside Radford DAC

    Phillips CD723 (modded by RGA) / RGA DAC

    Phillips CD723 or 753 or Marantz 4000 (modded by RGA) / RGA DAC

    Sony Minidisc (only for those whom are still keen on Minidisc)

    Rega ELA MK1 (original R & D Pair from Derek Frost)

    Rogers LS4/as

    For any with a slightly more modest system comapred to teh above, I am aiming to have the following set ups too.

    Naim Nait 1 / Exposure Super XV & Exposure XI / XII / Mono VIIIs

    again using the above mentioned CD players and RGA DACs.

    Hope to hear formn you soon.


    cliffyboy, Jan 26, 2010
  6. cliffyboy


    Oct 13, 2004
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    Hi Cliff what is the connectivity of the DAC,I'd be interested in a listen,presently using and Apogee DAC in a MAC based computer system using firewire.
    RobsterD, Jan 26, 2010
  7. cliffyboy


    Nov 19, 2008
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    Hi Rob the connectivity will be:

    Coaxial & AES/EBU (XLR) @ the entry point and the usual RCA exit connections.

    Furthermore Rob, I will be setting up an basic website for all whom are interested to post me their details so that appointments may be booked.

    Thanks for your interest, pics to be posted by the weekend.

    cliffyboy, Jan 26, 2010
  8. cliffyboy


    Nov 19, 2008
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    Here is the link for some photos of an array of RGA DAC products.

    http://cid-9ab9d59c21322d5b.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/RGA DAC

    Please note that RGA, build their DACs in a variety of finishes, for example one of the units arriving in late Feb, is a built within a cooper case and the other with Acrylic and metal case work.

    Please feel free to leave comments regarding the pics.


    cliffyboy, Jan 28, 2010
  9. cliffyboy

    Dev Moderator

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Ilford, Essex, UK
    As this is a trade discussion I thought this might be a better forum for this thread.
    Dev, Jan 29, 2010
  10. cliffyboy


    Nov 19, 2008
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    Please click on the link below for further images of an array of RGA products. Virtually all equipment but one or two pieces is made by RGA.

    http://cid-9ab9d59c21322d5b.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/RGA Hifi

    I will adding on further images of teh 4 actual RGA products I have at home for anyone who would like to pop round for a free demo. PLease see previous posts to confirm which system will be used.
    cliffyboy, May 8, 2010
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