Richard Allan A41

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by Chilipepper, May 26, 2011.

  1. Chilipepper


    May 26, 2011
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    Hi everyone,

    I've just joined this site and this is the first time I've posted anything on any forum. The reason for doing this is I've just got a Richard Allan A41 Power amp and just had to tell other Hi fi lovers that its bloody amazing.

    After a reading up on it, it must be from about 1967 and I just can't believe how good it sounds. Years ago I had a pretty good setup and had some how reverted back to listening to music through a cheap amp and speakers- bad times.

    Talking to a dealer he started to telling me about class A amps and my reaction was why don't they all make them like that. He told me how Sugdens in particular where very very good and essentailly hadn't changed there design since they started. So I found this RA amp on ebay bought it and wow. I'm using a Quad 44 pre and Ruark Sabre speakers which also sound really good (not even really heard these either)- at this point I have been listening for around an hour from the radio streaming through my laptop. I've just heard rock, hip hop, house and some good 80's stuff and it all just sounds so great.

    Was gonna up date some components but got a guy who really knows his stuff to have a look, his words where " mostly original parts and sounds good- have a listen and see what you think, we could replace some parts in the future" I won't be replacing anything!! He new I would think that.

    Cheers everyone


    Is it wrong to already be thinking of moving to the middle of no where to appriciate this system- alot?!
    Chilipepper, May 26, 2011
  2. Chilipepper

    RobHolt Moderator

    Oct 24, 2004
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    Hi Sam and welcome.

    Glad you are enjoying the RA amplifier.
    If you haven't already done so, check out Jim Lesurf's site which has a section dedicated to the early RA and Sugden designs:
    RobHolt, May 26, 2011
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