Riverside P2 phono stage - anyone heard of it?

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by dunkyboy, Apr 17, 2005.

  1. dunkyboy


    Oct 1, 2003
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    Well, the Horizon was reserved when I got there, and it's a practically brand new ex-dem unit so would be quite close to the RRP... Oh well. :(

    So anyway, I'm gonna go on a proper hunt for a quality deck. Thinking 300 quid is a good target, but could be tempted to go to 400 or even 500 for the right piece of kit..... Where to start??

    BTW, the hifi shop guy had two deck in that he would sell me, neither of which I'd heard of, and neither of which looked terribly convincing... Pink Triangle Export (know the company, dunno the deck) and a Manticore Mantra. Any comments? The latter is missing a platter and going real cheap (platter is the same as Pro-Ject platters so the dealer said he could order in a new one if I couldn't find one cheap somewhere).

    dunkyboy, Apr 21, 2005
  2. dunkyboy

    Uncle Ants In Recordeo Speramus

    Dec 5, 2003
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    East Midlands
    I should think there's loads you could go for in that price range. £300 would probably get you something like a Michell Mycro, though I'm sure there are other equally good suggestions.

    I only mention it because I've always fancied one myself, but don't think I could justify a third deck. (Although now I've nearly cleared the junk out of my office room you never know). And they look very cool of course :) and you can't go far wrong with a Michell, support wise.

    One of the board members possibly has one for sale I noticed:


    (no connection with Griffo, but I did think "I wonder" briefly before remembering that I'm skint)
    Uncle Ants, Apr 21, 2005
  3. dunkyboy


    Mar 15, 2005
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    I borrowed one a few years back when my Roksan was under repair. It had a very 'warm' balance, which I found a bit too much, almost as if the speakers had been swaddled in blankets. (This was using a Rega RB300 arm and AT OC9 cartridge)
    Joe, Apr 21, 2005
  4. dunkyboy


    Dec 22, 2004
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    West Midlands
    Tis indeed my deck and it's still for sale - quite surprised with Michells reputation and dealer 2nd hand prices no one was interested - I've seen them going for £500 :(

    Having recently got it back out the wardrobe to test it out and give it a run I was surprised how much better it was than I remembered it but having upgraded mains and phono stage I shouldn't have been.

    And I have to admit when it was sat on the wall shelf it really makes my LP12 look a bit ugly.

    PS - I have no connection to uncle ants (that I'm aware of).
    griffo104, Apr 21, 2005
  5. dunkyboy


    Oct 1, 2003
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    So Michell Mycro is inferior to LP12...? Cos I reckon I might be able to get an LP12.....

    dunkyboy, Apr 21, 2005
  6. dunkyboy


    Dec 22, 2004
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    West Midlands

    You have to remember that the Mycro was Michells budget deck, and was a step down from the gyrodec, and was considerably cheaper than an LP12 (I think I paid £430 brand new). It's performance is, imo, a serious step up from the P3 when I demoed them - never got to hear the P25.

    It is considerably easier to maintain than the LP12 and does look great. The performance is inferior to the LP12 and so it should be with the cost difference, however, it's a lot closer than it should be. If I wasn't a Linnie it would still be in situ - especially as I was only using it with a budget Ortofon MC cart.

    Given the choice the LP12 is better which is why that's the deck I listen to.

    See mine is a bit of a bargain : http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=3283&item=5766993358&rd=1

    Oh well sales pitch over.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2005
    griffo104, Apr 21, 2005
  7. dunkyboy

    Lt Cdr Data om

    Jun 24, 2003
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    away from the overcrowded south
    FYI the Michell Iso designed by Tom Evans uses lt1028 input chip, ne 5534, and lf411 as the servo, its dc coupled.

    The input circuit comes from linear technologies application note for the lt 1115 exactly.

    Its the 1st half of figure 4 in this link....


    The circuit is identical to the microgroove, ugrovve plus and groove. I suspect there may be a change of opamps, but as of paranoia and fear of copying, the designer rubs them off.

    When it comes to the finer points of phonostage design, opamps generate noised themselves, and different types, there are fet input and bipolar, give different noise.

    To simplify, mc carridges usually need bipolar input opamp at the front, which the lt1028 is, it will cause unnecessary noise though if used with an mm cartridge, which needs a fet input, the best of which is probably the analog devices ad 743, I don't think Tom Evans actually alters opamps to suit, but could be wrong.

    that is why you can't really interchange mm and mc without a design change, its more than just setting gain and loading.

    Graham slee takes a lot of care in designs, he's a good guy, his stuff is very good, too.

    hope that helps...:)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2005
    Lt Cdr Data, Apr 21, 2005
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