Room correction and crossover

Wanted: Discussion in 'Classified Adverts' started by lbr, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. lbr

    lbr monkey boy

    Jul 13, 2004
    Likes Received:
    In a happy place
    Looking for something like a TacT RCS 2.2 XP (will pay up to £2,000 for an A.AA configuration) or Lyngdorf DPA-1 (will pay up to £1700). Open to other units too provided that it meets the following requirements as a minimum:

    - balanced analogue in and out
    - dual outputs to drive main speakers and 2 subwoofers
    - ability to set crossover in the range 150Hz to 250 Hz
    - must be able to add meaningful gain to the signal as well as attenuate
    - some form of room correction EQ, preferably an automated bells and whistles type and preferably something numpty-proof (Lyngdorf looks appealing from this perspective)

    There's a TACT RCS 2.2 XP on HFFS at the moment for £2k. I've already spoken to the chap and he had agreed a sale before I got to him (although I'm on the reserve list :))

    I've looked at the 2496 Behringer units but the DEQ lacks a crossover and the DCX EQ looks a little unsophisticated to me.

    Anybody got anything nice and shiny they want to sell?
    lbr, Apr 9, 2009
  2. lbr

    lbr monkey boy

    Jul 13, 2004
    Likes Received:
    In a happy place
    sorted now, thanks
    lbr, Apr 19, 2009
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