SACD - worth a go?

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by thrudge, Jan 20, 2011.

  1. thrudge


    Aug 4, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Stanmore Middlesex
    There doesn't appear to be too many on here singing the praises of SACD,so I feel I have got to add my twopenny worth.
    I don't know anything about studio difficulties with the creation of the discs so can't comment.All I do is listen to them.
    I must admit I don't have a record player that cost many thousands of pounds .Mine is a Thorens TD160 Super with an SME series 2 improved arm and fitted with a Denon 160 moving coil. As such it represents as much as I want to spend on this type of device.
    However, it can't even begin to compare with the sound that I get from even a standard well recorded C.D. When it comes to SACD this is to my ears an even further step up.
    I listen to Classical,Jazz,R&b,male & female vocal ( those of a nervous disposition turn away now) and country.
    I can play my hybrid SACDs on my Marantz SA7003 or on a good (not super high end) quality standard Sony CD player.
    The SACD wins for me.
    Although I have a decent Apple Mac computer which I understand is reasonable at downloading music I must confess I don't understand the first thing about it. It seems that the downloading world is littered with abbreviations and initials all of which merely serve to baffle me (my first radio was a crystal set and the first computer I worked on used a few hundred 6060 double triode valves).
    So for me SACD is perfect,it will play all of my older standard CDs plus any SACD that I currently buy. It doesn't cost as much as a super price record player and in any case I got fed up with the quality of LPs which went very downhill after the oil price rises in the 1970s.
    And of course the SACD is so easy to use and store.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2011
    pete693, Jan 22, 2011
  2. thrudge

    Cable Monkey

    Dec 10, 2009
    Likes Received:
    West Mids
    Pete, the honest truth is twofold. DSD and SACD are capable of very good results, and helps defeat piracy. But CD played on the very best equipment loses little or nothing to it in stereo. Multichannel music has fallen on its face and with it SACD. Truth is it is quite possible you will find more music released in the last 3 years on vinyl than on SACD.
    Cable Monkey, Jan 23, 2011
  3. thrudge


    Aug 4, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Stanmore Middlesex
    You may well be correct but I'm not in a position to afford the very best equipment.My Marantz SA7003 cost me £450 when a branch of Sevenoaks was closing down last year and for a new player that was a real bargain.
    As far as the SACDs are concerned I only buy on the net from either HMV or Amazon.There is an American company called Acoustic Sounds who currently have a fraction under 3000 titles on SACD and I get some ideas of artists that I don't know anything about from them as they have short excerpts from some of the tracks.
    My real problem is paying for all the discs that I would like and not in finding them.
    Which reminds me,I haven't checked last nights lottery numbers yet.
    pete693, Jan 23, 2011
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