SB+ and AS Dax Decade

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by Mr_Sukebe, Aug 25, 2008.

  1. Mr_Sukebe


    Jun 19, 2003
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    I've always wondered about the AS Dax Decade after hearing some seriously positive comments from Julian a couple of years ago about his.

    This weekend, Zanash popped down for a couple of days to catch up, swap some stories, drink some wine, listen to some tunes, and on the Sat, go to a jousting competition.
    Somewhere in between that lot, we had a good listen to a speaker cable that he's been playing with, and also his Decade on the backend of my SB+.

    The cable was interesting. Fairly cheap cable, but sheaved in a hosepipe which then had sand inserted to damp the cable. Have to say that it sounded very similar overall to the "somewhere more expensive" cable that I presently use, although the Zanash cable was a little more relaxed in it's presentation style. Struck me that the choice between the two would be dependant upon the kit it's used with. I think I'll try to get some similar hose to give it a go with my own cable in the near future.

    Then onto the Decade, which is a combination of DAC and pre-amp. I think it had five digital inputs (SPDIF coax and optical, AES/EBU), a volume control and the ability to run a power amp directly.
    We connected it to my SB+ using a standard coax digital input, then tried both the RCA phono and balanced outputs into my Bel Canto Evo2i. The speakers were my Impulse Ta'us, a three way horn loaded design.

    Using un-balanced from both the SB+ to my amp and the DAX to my amp, and frankly there was very little in it. A bit like the cable really, with the SB+ having a little more drive, the DAX being a little more smooth. Again, I think the choice between the two would be dependant upon system synergy and personal preference more than anything else.
    The interesting bit was to then try the balanced from the DAX. Now that made a much bigger difference, although from playing around, it was track dependant. On well recorded jazz style numbers, the DAX felt far less constrained in how it came across, the SB+ being simply more forthright and a bit uptight (sorry that I can't think of a better way of describing it). On more compressed music, sure enough, there was nothing in in. Having said all of that, on some types, the more upfront SB+ did manage to create (IMO) a better impression of the band being in the room with us, which for me is probably the most important thing.

    In short, both bits of kit were ace. In an RCA only system, there was virtually nothing in it between the DAX and SB+, just a slightly different way of portraying the music, and in that context, the price of the SB+ makes it a bit of a steal.
    In a fully balanced system, the DAX clearly adds another string to the bow, although I have to say that I didn't think the differences were enough to justify the far from cheap cost of the DAX. From playing with other ancillaries, I felt that (at least in my system), that I'd probably get a better sound improvement from spending the dosh on say a better mains supply or similar.

    Again, my thanks to Zanash for popping down (hardly just down the road). Great to see you again and catch up.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2008
    Mr_Sukebe, Aug 25, 2008
  2. Mr_Sukebe

    lbr monkey boy

    Jul 13, 2004
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    In a happy place
    Nice post - I've heard a lot about the DAX and it's good to hear some concrete impressions of its performance.

    Who won the joust - you or Zanash?
    lbr, Aug 25, 2008
  3. Mr_Sukebe


    Jun 19, 2003
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    I have to say that I was seriously impressed by the DAX. I don't know how it would compare against the "best of the best of the best", but I doubt if it's massively adrift.

    The jousting was at Hever castle. I wasn't sure just how competitive it was due to be, and in reality it was more of a show than being even vaguely competitive. Shame really.
    Mr_Sukebe, Aug 25, 2008
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