scalford hall hifi show 2011

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by zanash, Jun 28, 2010.

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  1. zanash

    Richard Dunn

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Well that is the plan from Chester Group, so they told me. They are closing the Manchester show as well as pulling out of Scalford, there is even some doubt over Heathrow next year, they intend to concentrate only on Whittlebury.

    Bristol is organised by someone else so I think that still goes on.
    Richard Dunn, Jul 13, 2010
  2. zanash

    Fnuckle Trade

    Jun 3, 2010
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    The Bristol Sound & Vision Shows is basically a big dealer event. It's a 'selling' shows; and justify their existence by being very successful.

    An interesting aside is now that Audio T and Sevenoaks are looking at merging, will that mean Bristol Sound & Vision will change? When Practical Hi-Fi became part of the Audio T group, the Practical Hi-Fi show became the Manchester Sound & Vision Show (unlike the Manchester Airport show, this one also works). Will the Sevenoaks model mean these shows go off the boil, or become cloned around the country?

    Chester Group seems to be concentrating on Whittlebury Hall, as it should. We need one - just one - national show. The high-enders should look to following a model like Bristol Sound & Vision, instead of relying on a third party to run a show for them.

    As for Salford, I'm sure it could be run independently.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2010
    Fnuckle, Jul 13, 2010
  3. zanash


    Jun 8, 2007
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    having been to scalfold hall for the 2 shows i found it immensley enjoyable . my first intro to NVA sound and hearing the various members kit especially the old vintage stuff was great .
    sad to see it go . i can understand how manchester can stop as seemed a bit quiet to me
    looking forward to whittlebury hall tho
    hifinutt, Jul 22, 2010
  4. zanash

    Richard Dunn

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Scalford doesn't need to stop, there is a lot of good will towards it, and if allowed others will make sure it doesn't die. BUT there is one thing that needs to happen and that is for Wigwam and especially the owner to get his finger out and start discussing it on the forum, but so far there has been deliberate silence, even when Flatty tried to stir the thread was closed.

    I have searched Wigwam since its new incarnation and I can't find any mention of the show even last years - very strange.
    Richard Dunn, Jul 22, 2010
  5. zanash

    flatpopely Trade - AudioFlat

    Jun 20, 2010
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    Couple of points (facts - I have the evidence):-

    1. I did not 'stir' it I was querying a post by you on your 'forum' and thought I'd ask the Wam rather than rely on 2nd hand info.

    2. It subsequently came out that the original post on the 'forum' was incorrect because at that point no firm decision had been made by the Chester Group, they merely said they were concentrating on Whittlebury. I might add they were displeased that info gained on a phone call was posted on the internet. It's worth noting here that by your own admission Richard, any dialogue with you, in whatever form, is considered, by you, public info unless otherwise stated.

    Until James over at the Wam makes a decision its not correct to second guess what's going to happen. But I bet they are thinking long and hard after last years show.

    It would be a shame if it did not go ahead as it's a really great show and the attendance seemed enought to break even. But someone has to front up the money and an individual would, rightly, be wary to do so. If its left to trade then the whole value of the show goes out of the window IMHO.

    It would be nice if the Wam, ZG, pfm et al got together to organise this and maybe raise the money from members in advance so that Scalford could be booked. I have a fair bit of experience in event organisation. More than happy to help although as TRADE I might not be the best person to rope in!
    flatpopely, Jul 22, 2010
  6. zanash

    Richard Dunn

    Jul 5, 2006
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    THESE ARE THE FACTS - Once again from you this is complete bollocks. I have had two telephone conversation with Justin Bird of Chester Group, being a family company he is the originators son and in charge of the audio shows. The first conversation *as an after thought* as he was talking about a new show in Ireland and dropping the Manchester Show said they were out of Scalford as well. That is when I put up my first email about it at Subjectivist. You then put your wind up thread at Wigwam (per usual for you) and anyone can go there to read it (in the Public Bar 2nd page), where you made sure it was linked to me so I would be insulted and basically be called a liar.

    So I phoned Justin again and told him I was being, shall we say politely, disbelieved - he laughed - and confirmed his meeting with his dad to say that the show was not going to be done next year by them and if anyone *disbelieved* me they could contact him on [email protected] or phone him on 01244 559033. Now I suppose there may be a vague possibility that they have changed their mind in the last couple of weeks but they were so unimpressed with the nonsense about money, sponsors and trade participation I very much doubt it, especially seeing you contributed to that agravation by trying to trick them to get your trade room for free - which again is your agenda here because I shopped you to them.

    There was no displeasure at the information being made public because I ask Justin if it was ok to make it public and he said go ahead, and was seriously amused when told in the second conversation how the likes of you were reacting to it.

    You are a know nothing trouble maker who is looking for any excuse to get your own back on me for costing you a couple of hundred pounds you should have paid graciously in the first place for this years Scalford Show.

    Those are the facts, if you don't like them or wish to confirm them then phone or email Justin Bird.
    Richard Dunn, Jul 22, 2010
  7. zanash

    flatpopely Trade - AudioFlat

    Jun 20, 2010
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    I have an email from Justin that does not agree with what you are saying.

    I'll take this no further as its obvious we have different information or interpret it in different ways.

    For the sake of ZG I will now not respond to anything you write, I cant find an ignore function on ZG. Mods is there an ignore function?
    flatpopely, Jul 22, 2010
  8. zanash

    Richard Dunn

    Jul 5, 2006
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    That is what the London Bake-Off show at the end of October is about - so far the participating forums are ZG - PF - AoS - Subjectivist but any other forums especially Wigwam are welcome to start a thread and promote it and join in organising it. The same as I started a thread at Subjectivist to promote this years Scalford. We shall see if James allows it.

    The difference is that the forums or external companies need not finance it in any way as I am personally underwriting the costs - organisation is from a commitee of Room Organisers (Bosses) and reps from the forums, but it is all in the thread about it for those who wish to read it.
    Richard Dunn, Jul 22, 2010
  9. zanash

    RobHolt Moderator

    Oct 24, 2004
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    Select 'Options' on the black menu bar then select Buddy/Ignore on the bottom right.
    RobHolt, Jul 22, 2010
  10. zanash

    Telkman Nurturing Malevolence

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Open a user's profile page and you'll find a link under their avatar to "Add [user] to Your Ignore List" - then just click the "Save List" button on the page that opens.

    You can then manage the list through your Options page using the "Buddy / Ignore Lists" at the bottom of the menu or by accessing the user's profile page again.
    Telkman, Jul 22, 2010
  11. zanash

    Richard Dunn

    Jul 5, 2006
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    So you are calling me a liar, I was told *catagorically* that they are finished with Scalford, that doesn't mean they can't change their minds. Well I will phone Justin again tomorrow and anyone here can contact him and publish the results of that contact.
    Richard Dunn, Jul 22, 2010
  12. zanash

    flatpopely Trade - AudioFlat

    Jun 20, 2010
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    Thanks Rob.

    Edit: Done.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2010
    flatpopely, Jul 22, 2010
  13. zanash

    Richard Dunn

    Jul 5, 2006
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    I have just spoken to Justin Bird at Chester Group on the phone - he states he has not sent you an email on this subject nor has he referred to it with you in any shape or form - he also confirms that Chester Group will not be financing or organising next years show - he says Roy Bird his father has said that if the show is taken on by others he wants recognition that they (Chester Group) started it and were the motivators of the concept - he also says he (or Chester Group) was not concerned in any way that their pull out of the show was made public by me.

    There is no way to interpret this information in any other way than the way I have stated it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2010
    Richard Dunn, Jul 23, 2010
  14. zanash


    Apr 21, 2009
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    Scottish Highlands
    Richard involved in an acrimonious dispute on a hi fi forum? Surely not.......

    Mescalito, Jul 23, 2010
  15. zanash

    sq225917 Exposer of Foo

    Jan 11, 2007
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    "Chester group started it and were motivators of the concept"- were they ****, James first mooted the idea it and Chester jumped in when they saw a potential profit by backing it financially.

    Justin's view of history is somewhat skewed.
    sq225917, Jul 23, 2010
  16. zanash

    Richard Dunn

    Jul 5, 2006
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    I think you need to check your facts, the first mention of the concept goes back to a post I made on Wigwam about 4 years ago, in my short stay there, and subsequently I have talked about the concept on PF and AoS and of course Subjectivist. Chester Group saw the discussion, saw a possibility, and then approached the major forums by email about organising a forum show and only Wigwam got back to them about it.
    Richard Dunn, Jul 23, 2010
  17. zanash

    YNMOAN Trade - AudioFlat

    Jul 16, 2007
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    As Andrew is now unable to see some of the posts about him, I feel compelled to make this one post of clarification. As far as I can see no one has actually lied; however, a significant amount of miscommunication/misunderstanding does seem to have taken place both on this forum, and at the Chester Group.

    For what it is worth, I have seen emails sent to Andrew from Roy Bird (not his son Justin) relating to this subject.

    What precisely the Chester Groups plans are, with regard to the Melton Mowbray show, is up to them.
    YNMOAN, Jul 23, 2010
  18. zanash

    Richard Dunn

    Jul 5, 2006
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    For those with short memories this is what Flatty posted:-
    "Originally Posted by flatpopely
    I have an email from *Justin* that does not agree with what you are saying."

    My ** just to highlight it.
    Richard Dunn, Jul 23, 2010
  19. zanash

    YNMOAN Trade - AudioFlat

    Jul 16, 2007
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    I am aware what it is that I am saying; I believe Andrew was mistaken when he wrote "an email from Justin..." and he should have written, "an email from Roy...". However, as both work together, a level of presumption has been made - it would seem, as far as I can tell, that father and son do not communicate as thoroughly as they perhaps could on this matter (no doubt they are busy with more immediate matters).

    I hope the above clarifies the situation sufficiently and that we can now all move on to the next 'storm in a teacup'.
    YNMOAN, Jul 23, 2010
  20. zanash

    Richard Dunn

    Jul 5, 2006
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    The responsibilty for Hi-Fi Shows is down to Justin, Roy Bird was the originator of the company but doesn't deal with the organisation of Hi-Fi Shows. If you refer to my past post you will see that Justin had a meeting with his father where it was *agreed* that they would no longer run the show.
    Richard Dunn, Jul 23, 2010
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