Muper Soderator
been doing a lot of idle thinking whilst pedaling away the miles lately and had the following thoughts.... and thought i'd inflict them on you lot....
science has replaced religion as the explaination of how the universe works however science seems to fall woefully short on giving people guidelines on how best to get along with one another.
Most religions have rules to live by, for example the old testaments 10 commandments, the new testaments 'love thy neighbor', the wiccan rede, et al. designed to let people live alongside each other and make the best of a potential bad lot. however as far as i can tell science has only 'the survival of the fittests' that is as well known. yes we have 'laws' but the only people who understand them are lawyers and even then they are open to interpretation, contradictory precedent and the liberal aplication of money.
the more i think about 'survival of the fittest' the more the war in afghanistan, iraq, chavs, increasing criminality makes a twisted kind of sense.
now it might seem like i'm about ready to shave my head and join a cult, no, i'd like to think that something of me goes on beyond my death but to be honest if it doesn;t i'm not really going to be in a position to care so i'll wait until it happens and find out. the bowing and scraping to omnipotent myths i can do without so what's left? can science provide rules for living together or is that just wishful thinking and i should, shut up, buy a gun and a bit of land in darkest wales and kill anyone that ****es me off? have we thrown out the baby with the bathwater in our headlong rush to embrace science as the be all and end all or do religions have a place in the world for social guidance but without all the mumbo jumbo? or is the mumbo jumbo to intrinsic to the whole deal? do humans need the threat of eternal damnation in order to be civil to one another? what's the meaning of life?
sorry for the rambling i'll get me coat now....
feel free dis, discuss or delete as you see fit...
science has replaced religion as the explaination of how the universe works however science seems to fall woefully short on giving people guidelines on how best to get along with one another.
Most religions have rules to live by, for example the old testaments 10 commandments, the new testaments 'love thy neighbor', the wiccan rede, et al. designed to let people live alongside each other and make the best of a potential bad lot. however as far as i can tell science has only 'the survival of the fittests' that is as well known. yes we have 'laws' but the only people who understand them are lawyers and even then they are open to interpretation, contradictory precedent and the liberal aplication of money.
the more i think about 'survival of the fittest' the more the war in afghanistan, iraq, chavs, increasing criminality makes a twisted kind of sense.
now it might seem like i'm about ready to shave my head and join a cult, no, i'd like to think that something of me goes on beyond my death but to be honest if it doesn;t i'm not really going to be in a position to care so i'll wait until it happens and find out. the bowing and scraping to omnipotent myths i can do without so what's left? can science provide rules for living together or is that just wishful thinking and i should, shut up, buy a gun and a bit of land in darkest wales and kill anyone that ****es me off? have we thrown out the baby with the bathwater in our headlong rush to embrace science as the be all and end all or do religions have a place in the world for social guidance but without all the mumbo jumbo? or is the mumbo jumbo to intrinsic to the whole deal? do humans need the threat of eternal damnation in order to be civil to one another? what's the meaning of life?
sorry for the rambling i'll get me coat now....
feel free dis, discuss or delete as you see fit...