Second chance.....

Discussion in 'General Music' started by MO!, Oct 4, 2003.

  1. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Second chance.....(Merz)

    My music collection consists of a reasonable selection of albums I listen to regularly. Then there's the ones that although I like, they tend to only be called pon when the MOod is right. Then there's the ones that you listen to at the tim of purchase, and then seem to work their way to the bottom of the pile.

    Ever bought an album and not been overly impressed with it? Sure you have!

    Well just stuck on Merz's album. Bought this in a sale for about a fiver a few years back. Had heard the name somewhere so thought it was worth a go. The music itself impressed from start, but the guys voice just put me off.

    So, just gave it another spin and was well impressed. His voice wont be to evryones taste, but it seems much less irritating, and MOre "unique" than at first.

    A couple of really good tracks on here and a consistantly good album throughout. I can see his voice putting people off, but, well, I dunno, I sort of apreciate it a bit MOre now.

    There's quite a few copies new and used on amazon for around a fiver. Might be worth a pop.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2003
    MO!, Oct 4, 2003
  2. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    What an album!

    I dropped this in my brothers room earlier and asked if he'd ever given it a listen. He said pretty much what I'd originaly felt about it too. He'd played it ages ago but found the guys voice too irritating.

    I told him to give it another try.

    Got it back off him and asked if he'd had a chance to listen to it. "Yes" he said, about 3 times now. Exactly the same as me, (and without me saying anything MOre than "give it another go"), he pointed out the guys voice seemed far from annoying and infact pretty f@#ing good!

    Top top album! I can see why some may not like his voice, but saying that I also find it hard to believe I didn't! I'm glad I gave this another chance at it really is a quality album! Not one bad track on the album and some of the *hooks*, both lyricaly and musicaly are excellent. Some very well put togeather beats and sounds. Well produced and the lyrics are good too. Quite personal and his voca;s set them off well.

    In the MOst part the tunes are reasonably upbeat. There's some good melodies and well........ just get it!!!

    A (not so) instant favourite!

    I think i'll splice these two posts into a post for the reccomendations and reviews thread infact!

    MO :D
    MO!, Oct 13, 2003
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