Are there any "Sole Traders" out there that have recently gone through the process of buying computer equip. for a home office? I'm after suggestions for: i) Laptop; ii) External LCD screen (20" widescreen); iii) Colour laser printer (A4); iv) Separate fax/scanner. It's for full time engineering consultancy usage and the laptop is crucial so I am prepared to pay whatever is required. No high end graphics usage though, main number crunching process is AutoCad viewing. Re the laptop, I want something robust/reliable and size is not an issue as it'll only be moved once/twice a week. Should I be looking further a field than Toshiba for example. Re the printer, speed isn't important but colour print quality is. I like HP's range, so what about the Laserjet 3600N? I have dealt with Misco and Dabs before. Anyone else I should be looking at? Any pointers much appreciated.