Is anybody still looking at this thread?
My Kit is nearly all self built. So here goes for anyone interested.
Thanks to Nelson Pass and his sidekick Wayne Colburn I have built the following with lots of help,
Aleph Pearl phono stage
Aleph X-Ono phono stage (2)
Aleph P line stage pre (2)
Aleph J pwr amp
First Watt F4 pwr amps/bridged
Speakers are 2 way bass reflex with B&G and Eton units
Transrotor Iron turntable
Oracle Delphi 4 turntable with SME 345 arm
Graham Phantom 4 tonearm
Yota tonearm
Decca unipivot (quite old but good)
Denon 103G and 103R cartridges
Benz Micro Ruby cartridge
Koetsu Black cartridge
MFSL Carbon C3.5 cartridge
Proceed Mk 3 CD player
Proceed DAC
Wadia dock with 3 iPod classic 160gig
Cadas balanced interconnects and speaker cable
Cadas Gold phonocables