Slam Dunc

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by Tim F, Jul 7, 2004.

  1. Tim F

    Tim F

    Mar 23, 2004
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    On my usual quest for audio Nirvana, I have this month discovered the Ben Duncan mains conditioners... thanks to those who sold \ recommended these. After buying the first one, I got another. Well they're really superb and although I did worry about them being powerful enough for my valve amps, it doesn't seem to be a problem. I believe switch mode power supplies are the nastiest for chucking out mains junk so I need to have a play with the configuration...

    Here's how I've got them hooked up at the moment.
    1 unit
    CD player
    Lexicon DAC\ Pre Amp

    2nd unit.
    Into Einstein mains block with BCD engineering mains lead then.....

    ARC monoblocks.
    2x Atoll power amps
    2 q's... if a unit is chucking out mains junk e.g. the power amps, will the other equipment plugged into the same Dunc be affected?

    What I'm wondering (without 400 different options!), what would be your recommended setup (yes, a very tricky question I know).

    Thanks, Tim
    Tim F, Jul 7, 2004
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