I've three sets of these feet that within reason I'd be happy to circulate .....ie you send my your address and I'll post them to you ...you then post the next person etc ...but you need to contact me the version I have is suitable for pre amps and cdps dacs etc ...it may work under a cutting board shelf or straight under the cdp etc. As with all feet you need to try different positions under the kit to get the optimum position ...As a rule of thumb that I apply to all cdp's ....sit one under the spindle one under the transformer and the third to balance the other two ... Cost of my version "The Woball" is £35 plus vat for a set of three these are approx 30mm high and 40mm wide I also have the Chops Pyramidal Foot "CPF" for kit that can't use the Woball ....I will have a set of these to do the rounds if theres sufficient interest.