some weekend testing...

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by mr cat, Dec 6, 2004.

  1. mr cat

    mr cat Member of the month

    Jul 31, 2003
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    I have done made a few tweaks / modifications and I would like to share my thoughts here -
    I did do the tweak / modification together

    this is for my Nad c350

    I read in the latest hi-fi world about this (and was alos made aware of it sometime ago) about replacing the default amp link (that connects the Pre-out and Main-in) with an interconnector (or, you could try this - russ andrews ). I tried with a bog standard cambridge audio inconnector the there was an immediate difference…at lower volumes the bass didn't seem to be in your face as much (which was possibly a bad thing!), but sound sounds were clearer. But on the downside some tracks that did sound good don't - and vice versa, in particular was track 3 on the american beauty sound track (american beauty ) just blew me away...

    but when I tried this with the sub Y-splitter (this one - sub splitter )- I decided that the Y-splitter doesn't work that well with my setup - I tried it on the amp, and on the sub - but the bass was indeed muddy…
    I was informed (on the forum) that the splitter probably wasn't a good idea with my setup - but I had to try anyway…
    I haven't tried this with watching movies (woulb be on the sub side) - but I can't see this working...
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 6, 2004
    mr cat, Dec 6, 2004
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