sonority design speaker platforms

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by hifinutt, May 7, 2009.

  1. hifinutt


    Jun 8, 2007
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    having used granite bases with silicon infill, iroko wood with quasar points under my speakers I recently had the chance to try these platforms under my speakers [b&w 804s]
    having tried the sonority design roller shelf under my cd player and being very impressed . stephen hitch the designer came by and set them up.

    I had the extra base which costs extra but essentially it is one layer on ball bearings with this next layer on spikes. very precisely engineered.

    we listened to various tracks with my platforms and his, and first impressions was much better bass control and instruments were clearer. having spent a week intensively listening to these platforms I am impressed.

    Roy Gregory writing in hi fi plus says "you get a blacker background [ i found that you can listen at lower volumes and still hear plenty of detail which has pleased my wife] leading to better separation, crisper dynamics, a more natural sense of pace and flow. "

    "Bass is tighter and deeper although not weightier , leading to a quicker sound with an increased sense of momentum"
    I am not sure what the last bit means but I can concur with all this. The bass is so well controlled. I wanted to be sure so took off the speakers and put them back on wood with pp and it was evident how boomy and coloured the bass was on many tracks.

    the sonority rapidly went back under , I was half hoping these would make little difference so i could save the considerable cost of buying them but they really are rather good.

    Tracks used were
    Lemon jelly
    vangelis `the city`
    Gert emmens [electronic ]

    they are well worth a free demo
    hifinutt, May 7, 2009
  2. hifinutt

    SMEagol Because we wants it...

    Mar 23, 2007
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    I have to say, it would be good if you could A to B this kind of thing readily. I always worry about the "foo factor" with these magazine reviews.

    Its a shame you can't quickly test things like this.

    Its the same with boutique speaker cables, mine cost so much I've convinced myself they sound better than my cheaper pair. I can't quickly switch so have succumbed to the bling!

    I know Sonority aren't that cheap, but meant to be good. Might I enquire how much are we looking at per speaker. Do you listen at volume to get a good result?

    I look at Max Townshends designs for speaker cradles and feel there must be some serious physics at work here, but feel more tempted by these designs.

    I am no expert!!! :D
    SMEagol, May 7, 2009
  3. hifinutt


    Jun 8, 2007
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    yes, all i can go on is listening for a few days to each system but i know that when i took the speakers off the sonority all the enjoyment went. i had to put them back. so transparent. I thought long and hard about the townshend which probably would be easier to sell on and the stella is an interesting stand.

    my worry with the stella is wobbling and the arms stick out a bit and my mrs has a trick of tripping over. the sonority are very stable even though they have only 3 spikes .

    we are looking at around 1125 +250 for the xtra shelf
    to put on sonority stands . a bit more than townshend but as i already have a sonority under the cd i feel the synergy is worth it.
    hifinutt, May 8, 2009
  4. hifinutt

    lbr monkey boy

    Jul 13, 2004
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    In a happy place
    They sound very interesting. Nice write up - I think these are going to go on my want-to-listen-to list :)
    lbr, May 8, 2009
  5. hifinutt


    Mar 31, 2006
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    Interesting hfn.

    I have been playing with mass in varying forms in the last year and can comfirm the sonic effects.

    Its a shame the stuff is coming out so dear. I have been playing with granite slabs for a while.........cheaper........but it doesn't need to look pretty here.
    DavidF, May 10, 2009
  6. hifinutt


    Jun 8, 2007
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    yes, i have tried all shapes and forms of granite , wood, but the sonority seems pretty good if expensive

    another thread here

    listening to organ music like san saans no 3 usually i enjoy the tremendous vibration through the house and front room but i noticed the sonority i couldn`t even feel it on my feet [even though i have a suspended floor] . perhaps not quite as exciting as before but certainly very effective vibration control and certainly i could listen till 11.40 pm last night without disturbing my neighbour.
    hifinutt, May 10, 2009
  7. hifinutt


    Jun 8, 2007
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    having a listen to transports de joie [messian ] and bach`s toccata and fugue . the bass is glorious, the organ fantastically reproduced. totally superb, bass and control spot on.
    hifinutt, May 11, 2009
  8. hifinutt

    Noel Winters

    Apr 13, 2009
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    I have also tried several types of wood and have now settled on
    Vibrapods and Cones in a box with a floating top. Speakers fitted with large brass spikes . Have found this quite good have same set up under my T/T works even better all at quite a
    reasonable price
    Noel W.
    Noel Winters, May 13, 2009
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