Spacedeck arms conundrum

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by JackOTrades, Nov 16, 2006.

  1. JackOTrades


    May 15, 2004
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    Hamburg, Germany
    Ok, over a week has passed since I got my morch up-4 set up (the best i could), so here is a quick report.

    First of all, let me tell you, coming from a rega rb-300 does not prepare you for the mammoth task that is setting up the morch!
    It took in total at least 8 hours of hard work and patience to get it to the point that you could hear something!

    I will spare you the details, but let me tell you this: it is absolutely worth it. I was always very happy with my rega (which has been fully OL'ed). I was not prepared for the difference I heard once the morch was set up. It is a very audible difference, no question, i heard it, my wife heard it, if i had a dog i am sure it would notice it too. :)

    It feels really wobbly once you first cue with it, compared to the more traditional rega way of cueing. Still one quickly gets the hang of it and it works absolutely fine from then on.

    The thing has more adjustments than a swiss army knife has functions! I kid you not! The arm platform can be adjusted, so that you can lower the arm precisely to match the vta you need, azimuth can be set quite precisely, in truth, you can probably spend a lifetime tweaking it i am sure. There has to be a time to stop. But I have no doubt there is something i could optimise that i havent yet... :)

    Yet, the killer feature, I find, is the armtube. You can so easily get it out and fiddle with whatever you need to in the base, then easily put it back and this way avoid risking your lovely cart. And if you have more than one, it is so simple to swap them around... it is a really neat arrangement and I am really impressed. :)

    All in all the sound of my spacedeck has been transformed. Everything is more present, more there, better defined with much much more presence and much much more extension on both sides of the spectrum. I was gobsmacked when I heard for example "Blood" - by This Mortal Coil - where the voice is like a hologram... or Dvorjak's Ninth Symphony where all the strands of music are so clearly laid out, the instruments so well placed and much more identifyable (and realistic!) in the really deep stage.

    I think you got the idea. I am really happy with it so thank you all for your good recommendations!

    And I am not even sure I got the bias setting quite right yet! (it is really really unsettling the bias setting in this arm - i am not sure i got it right yet - there is absolutely no reference and no scale, nothing...).

    Fox, have you tried the dp-6 already? I am not sure if it can make such a big difference (well then again i thought that when i had the rega and was i wrong...) :)

    Cheers everyone!

    PS: If I manage to understand how to post pictures here and I get some time to snap a few of the new arm in place I will post them here, if you care to see it. Thanks again! :)
    JackOTrades, Dec 17, 2006
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