Speaker Cable for my system.

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by D Louth 77, Jun 27, 2008.

  1. D Louth 77

    D Louth 77

    Jun 13, 2008
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    Now Gone.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 27, 2008
    D Louth 77, Jun 27, 2008
  2. D Louth 77

    Pure_Carbon Diamond Tipped.

    Aug 17, 2007
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    26" in front of my screen.
    Have a look at these american guys, www.ultimatecables.com
    Got my interconnects and speaker cables from them.
    Pure_Carbon, Jun 27, 2008
  3. D Louth 77

    hifi addict

    Sep 26, 2006
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    Silver Arrow cables are very good. If you can get him to make a Palladium speaker cable I would think that would be very good. But the Price!!! in just the materials alone.

    There is another brand but I can't say cos I'll get in trouble and I pulled someone else about touting.
    hifi addict, Jun 27, 2008
  4. D Louth 77


    Mar 15, 2005
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    Which reminds me of the old joke about Wayne Rooney. He's about to play in his first match for Man United, and Fergie says 'I'm going to pull you off at half-time, son. Hope that's OK' Rooney looks a bit puzzled, and says 'At Everton, the boss just gave us a slice of orange to suck at half-time.'
    Joe, Jun 27, 2008
  5. D Louth 77

    Deaf Cat

    Jun 28, 2007
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    Deaf Cat, Jun 27, 2008
  6. D Louth 77

    D Louth 77

    Jun 13, 2008
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    HI guys

    Thanks for the input.

    Hi deafcat i know the Virtual Dynamics importer so i could try those ,but my only experience so far with one of their power cords was scary . The cable had virtually no flexibility at all as all three elements (earth,live,neutral) were done as individual cables . It was very heavy and needed to be pre bent into shape ,i had to be very clever to get it to bend into the various items i tried it with . If the signal cables are like this too,it would be very difficult to do,not impossible but very awkward. This is the type of cable that could destroy sockets very easily .

    Thanks hi-fiaddict i have heard of silver arrow cables but not heard any . Something to consider,was Simon of Musicology involved with them a few years ago ?

    Thanks purecarbon ,i have read about ultimate cables but the one thing i wont do is buy without hearing in my system first. And while they may do a returns if not happy ,i don't really want to waste my time and theirs plus giving the customs and post office loads of money for nothing .

    I think i need to redefine what i want . The cabling should not be to bulky or lacking in flexibility ,available from a UK dealer or distributor and something that one can borrow to hear in ones own system .

    The single biggest problem with cables ,in my experience is what can sound fantastic in one system can sound average or awful in another . Sometimes you get an improvement, a sideways step or no change at all . Cabling should not really be used as some sort of tone control (but often that is what happens). I know that i can squeeze more out of my set up (before the room finally pulls the plug on further improvements). I have heard some cables do somethings better than the QED Genesis cable but overall i keep going back to it because i can live with it in the context of what sound it gives me . However i know that out there ,there must be a cable that will give me a consistant improvement across the treble,mid and bass. Also better soundstaging,depth,low level detail but do this without sounding like HI-FI . So no spotlighting or over emphasis of frequencies ,just a seamless sound .

    In the past i have mixed and matched cables to achieve what i wanted (one cable loom ,has so far not worked for me ,hence the reason i don't use Audience AU24 speaker cable .It sounded a bit lean in the lower mid and bass in my system).

    So keep the suggestions coming ,please.

    My system Moon Andromeda ,Bat vk31se Pre,Music reference rm 200 power amp(also Bat Vk 75), Anthony Gallo Ref 3.1 speakers .Also used a Bat vk10se phono stage ,Sme 20 mk1 Graham phantom arm and VDH Frog Gold cartridge. Marantz SA7 sacd player . Cabling Audience AU24 XLR to XLR and RCA to RCA , mains cabling by Audience ,Analysis plus and TCI Boa Constrictor . Speaker cable QED Genesis. Tables Clear light audio Aspekt .

    Regards D Louth .
    D Louth 77, Jun 28, 2008
  7. D Louth 77


    Apr 22, 2004
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    couldnt help notice that kimber 8TC wasn't on that list. It's my solid recommendation of choice. I find it hard to beat for performance and value. It's also worth looking at the Townshend Isolda and some of the missing link offerings.
    shrink, Jun 28, 2008
  8. D Louth 77

    D Louth 77

    Jun 13, 2008
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    Hi Shrink

    Tried Kimber years ago and always found it to be a bit bright. Now this would have been about fifteen years ago before Russ Andrews took retailing the cable away from his then net work of dealers . I am not keen on having to buy to try ,which i would have to do with him. So while i can borrow some Kimber Select cable from a friend ,i haven't done so because buying from Russ is not something i really want to do,if i can avoid it .

    Townsend Isolda ,ummm, i had not thought about that . Mr Townsend is a very clever guy . I remember trying Isolda years ago ,but at the time prefered XLO type 6 cable for the aplication then .I will think about that one ,thanks Shrink.

    Regards D Louth
    D Louth 77, Jun 28, 2008
  9. D Louth 77

    lbr monkey boy

    Jul 13, 2004
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    In a happy place
    I'd never dismiss Chord - worth a try.
    lbr, Jun 28, 2008
  10. D Louth 77

    Deaf Cat

    Jun 28, 2007
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    My kit, my ears, wide open decent sound, but vocals a smidge tinny:confused:
    Nice and flexible :)
    Deaf Cat, Jun 29, 2008
  11. D Louth 77

    Bob McC living the life of Riley

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Sunny Cheshire
    The true anecdote was in Rodney Marsh's autobiography, when with Man City, during an England International pre match pep talk by Alf Ramsay, Marsh was warned if he wasn't working hard enough Ramsay would pull him off at half time. Marsh replied "crikey at Man City all we get is a cup of tea!"
    He never played for England again.
    Bob McC, Jun 29, 2008
  12. D Louth 77


    Jun 21, 2003
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    I've some 8TC in the classifieds - ;-). Seriously, if you were considering Kimber it's the one (along with 4TC) to try. I must admit it's a cable I keep 'coming back to' - it's not bright by any means just very communicative. I've tried a lot of Kimber cable and bought several (up to monacle X) and the select cables although very good don't justify the price premium imo.
    Neil, Jun 30, 2008
  13. D Louth 77


    Apr 7, 2008
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    I ran QED before trying Anti-cables on the advice of a friend. He sold Chord Signatures after comparing them. I posted a while ago on my experience and got a volley of 'this is why its not very good' posts mostly made on the basis of incorrect assumptions from posters who hadn't heard them. They are cheap and blow away anything I've tried. If you don't like them they charge $10 restocking and you pay post. Well worth the risk IMO even in a particularly nice system such as yours.
    defride, Jul 3, 2008
  14. D Louth 77


    Jun 23, 2008
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    i am using Isolda cables from my Unison Research Simply 845 to my Tannoy SRM12B's.
    i like it a lot!
    what i really want, is a set of VdH the Third.
    heard them in my system, and thought they sounded better than anything i have heard before.
    i just get sidetracked with things vinyl, and whoops...there goes the budget again!!!!:MILD:

    bastlnut, Jul 4, 2008
  15. D Louth 77


    Apr 12, 2004
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    I don't know what your budget is but if you can stretch to a pair of the MIT Avt1 speaker cables at £500, I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

    I don't know where you are located but I borrowed a pair to audition from Blade Audio in Farnham, Surrey.

    I know Audio Works in Manchester also sell them.
    Snoopdog, Jul 4, 2008
  16. D Louth 77

    D Louth 77

    Jun 13, 2008
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    Hi Guys Firstly thanks for the additional comments .

    Hi defride , i had not heard of anti-cable until i read Roy Gregory re-review of the Gryphon kit in this months hi-fi+ mag . They look interesting and as you indicate not to dear . Thank you for the complement on my system.

    Hi bastlnut I heard VDH carbon cables when they first came out ,years ago and they didn't work for me then . I felt that they were coloured and rolled the top of to much . But different systems react differently to cables( some quite badly),but thanks for the suggestion i will bear it in mind .

    Hi snoopdog ,yes MIT is one cable i have seen and handled but never heard . I have read quite a bit above it over the years ,mostly good to excellent . Thank you for reminding me about it .

    Thank you to all of you so far and keep those suggestions coming in . They are all much appreciated .

    The Atlas Marvos cables are still running in ,and the slight leanness is going out of them . So far very interesting . Open and detailed with very good imaging and soundstaging . The bass is quite good but perhaps just a bit constrained ,so far. I have yet to do comparisons to my Genesis cable but hope to do so soon. I will let you all know what i think then . I think that the Atlas is doing okay as in the past i have had to pull cables out quite quickly as i have not liked them from quite early on .We shall see.

    Regards D Louth
    D Louth 77, Jul 4, 2008
  17. D Louth 77


    Jun 8, 2007
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    you mentioned virtual dynamics cables, the stiffness just keeps them in place and they sound great. I have 4 /5 sets on my hi fi rack . have you tried the kondo spc speaker cable. there is some on wigwam now.
    hifinutt, Jul 5, 2008
  18. D Louth 77

    D Louth 77

    Jun 13, 2008
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    Hi hifi nutt

    The problem with virtual dynamic cable is that you need plenty of space behind your rack to dress them properly and that is something i don't have a lot of. I tried a power cable once and it took about an hour to fit the cable so it did not break any thing. The stiffness is as a result of how they are made(design)
    and my dislike is not based on anything other than this as the sound this cable produced was very good ,just impractical for my set up.

    I once tried 15 years ago Audio Note ANV speaker cable (10 m of it which worked out to be about £2000 worth) and i did like it then but could not afford to buy at that time . Due to the layout of my system i need to use a minimum of 6m pairs(7m pairs better as it gives me a bit more flexibility) .As most people don't need to use as much as this it means ,that rarely does anything come on to the second hand market that is this length. The norm is between 2-4 m or so it would seam?

    Thanks for the comment and keep them coming .

    Regards D Louth
    D Louth 77, Jul 9, 2008
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