Speaker Cable Suggestions

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by skp574, Dec 11, 2003.

  1. skp574


    Dec 4, 2003
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    I am waiting (patiently) for my new Audio Research CD3MKII and Krell KAV-400xi.

    While I do I am thinking that my current speaker cable might not be up to the job. I currently have Chord Co. Rumour 4 connected to B&W 805 Nautilus Signatures.

    Would anyone like to recommend some cable that would be worth auditioning. When I demoed the equipment in the shop with my speakers they used Transparent cables. I have to admit that I have not heard of or indeed heard these before (pardon the punn).

    Either single run or biwire cable, I don't mind. I am trying to draw up a short list when funds allow.

    skp574, Dec 11, 2003
  2. skp574


    Jun 19, 2003
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    Berkshire, UK

    I would try either Townshend Isolda or Kimber 8TC/4TC biwire to start with.

    But more importantly than speaker cable, are you using any power conditioning/power cords? If not, then that would be top priority in my book. At this level, either a Trichord powerblock or power cables like acoustic zen/shunyata/Z Alloy will be essential to get the best from your components.

    What interconnects are you using?

    Cheers, Robbo

    btw, I guess you can tell from my avatar that I decided not to go for the CD3. I am sure the CD3 is very good though.
    Robbo, Dec 11, 2003
  3. skp574


    Dec 4, 2003
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    The CDP and Amp are connected by Nordost Quattro Fil (Balanced), that's a ~£1k interconnect.

    Just to let you know I have gone down the mains route before and have some Russ Andrews PowerKords (Classics). I will use those straight away. I did pure a Superpurifier to try out but it didn't do anything for me so it went back.

    Have you had any experience with IsoTek gear as the MiniSub was used in the audition I had?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 11, 2003
    skp574, Dec 11, 2003
  4. skp574

    wadia-miester Mighty Rearranger

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Beyond the 4th Dimension
    Towshends Isolda for the money is hard to beat, it's pretty good, flat & impedenced matched, transparent, good bass and a nice image works well in a lot of systems, hell we even use some :)
    Others to consider to extract the best preformance are Audience Au 24, a very natural and neutral cable, superb vocals and good bass extension, clean rolled off top, no nasties at all (has good dynamics, but not a top PRaT giver) but a dame fine cable all the same, very small too about 4mm in diameter.
    Nordost SPM, a lot like it, works very well in some systems, but not in mine, fast detailed and dynamic, but can be hard and forward, takes you more away from the music (my view)
    Acoustic Zen Satori, again a cable in the Au 24 vien, natural and 'real' very good bass, deep and big, top extented highs smooth too, great mid band, large cable though in shotgun form 2 runs of 30mm, not particulary dynamic or PRaT friendly
    Tara labs master gen III? a nice good around cable, quality construction, great bass, little vocal recession, but nice upper freqenices recommended.
    Acoustic Zen Hollogram II, a former fave of Wm, superb dynamics & speed, great tight taut controlled bass, fab imaging and great top end, but can be too revealing in some systems (try single wire with jumpers), big cable 40mm plus, mid band is pretty good, but not in the AU 24/satori league, I had valhalla in a back to back week trail & the Hollo II was far more favourable in my system. a great cable.
    If you are after a true Presentation cable then the HMS Grand Fin II is the Kiddie (imho), nothing like, wooden network boxes, large girth cables, but a sublime musical flow with that 'in the room for real' feeling can't be beaten (or at least I've yet to hear one that does)
    I'm not going to blow our own trumpet so thats about it, there are worth mentions for Tara labs 'The one' Music wave reference (second cable from top), cardas golden reference (very good) & neutral ref oh and Virtual dynamics stuff (very under rated) Wm
    wadia-miester, Dec 11, 2003
  5. skp574


    Jun 19, 2003
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    Berkshire, UK

    No worries on the interconect front then. I have not used the Isotek gear, but I have it on good authority that it squashes the life and dynamics out of the sound. I would steer well clear. Go for a Trichord 500kv powerblock (talk to WM, he will help you out with this). Alex S recently got a couple for his system and he reckoned you would have to spend £15K on boxes to get the same improvement.
    Robbo, Dec 12, 2003
  6. skp574


    Dec 1, 2003
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    St Albans
    One cable worth considering is Van Den Hul Revelation. I have just installed some. Expensive new, but can be bought for a reasonable amount secondhand. It is a very bulky cable at 10mm per single run so not easy to hide. It replaced my naca 5 in a PMC bryston system. Within seconds, I noticed lower and better controlled bass, stunning midrange and a smoother treble. The difference was as marked as any component change I had previously made. I paid £350 for two 4m pairs terminated. It would have cost about £900 new at retail. A local dealer when pushed, could do two three metre pairs terminated for £500.

    rodrat, Dec 12, 2003
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