speaker platform query...

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by mr cat, Mar 22, 2005.

  1. mr cat

    mr cat Member of the month

    Jul 31, 2003
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    hi, I've just bought a Kef Q9c centre speaker last night - what a beast it is too!

    anyway, I'm placing it below my TV, but it is too tall to sit on the glass shelf (which sit about 1/2 down from the TV to the floor) - so, I'm going to remove the glass shelf but I want the speaker elevated by about 8 inches so it still kinda sits in the middle...

    I was thinking just nicking a few bricks from somewhere - would this do, or are there any better options..??

    cheap and cheerful ones please, but i'll consider anything...

    mr cat, Mar 22, 2005
  2. mr cat


    Jun 19, 2003
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    North Wales
    I would have though bricks would be OK - no different from using paving slabs under floorstanding speakers. It would be very cheap too - you could always paint them to match your decor ;)
    Donut, Mar 22, 2005
  3. mr cat

    mr cat Member of the month

    Jul 31, 2003
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    yeah, bricks seem to be the best option so far....

    my ex has some in her back yard - if she's out tonighjt I think I'll take a wander up there.. ;)
    that'll freak her out - as she has a coal fire and the coal shed door wouldn't shut properly with it being wet...and after Im oved out - there was a lot of snow around and there was some foot prints leading to the coal shed - some **** has been nicking the coal!! she's since put a lock on it...
    mr cat, Mar 22, 2005
  4. mr cat

    SteveC PrimaLuna is not cheese

    Aug 31, 2003
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    SE Norway
    IMHO and IME having the centre speaker close to the floor sounds poor, possibly because of a strong first reflection from the floor, the presence of a resonant plastic box above (TV) and treble diffraction effects from shelf and TV edges. Firing over the top of the TV on a speaker stand was better but not ideal for me. A final solution at the distance from front wall and height of the stereo tweeters, plus a projector instead of TV, was the best solution for me.
    SteveC, Mar 22, 2005
  5. mr cat

    mr cat Member of the month

    Jul 31, 2003
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    yeah, I did place the speaker on top of the tv - but it is quite big...plus there are brief periods when I have my curtains open and a lamp on (normally when I get in from work and having a cuppa) and I'm already paranoid about the fact that people can probably see my tv...and if any would be burgalar sees that sitting on the tv..!!

    I would of course angle the speaker so that it faces me, but it does have a rear port, but I'm sure it'll be fine, somehow...
    mr cat, Mar 22, 2005
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