Stax Lambda Amp Driver

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by christalin, Jan 26, 2009.

  1. christalin


    Oct 7, 2008
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    For a while now I've had a pair of Stax Lambdas (brilliant!) with an SRD7-SB Energiser box that was designed to take the output from a power amp and switch it between speakers and 'phones (earspeakers!). I have acquired a venerable old Moth 30 power amp (a pretty decent Stan Curtis design I believe) to drive them independently of the main system and subsequently decided to have a go at putting the electronics of both into one casing - thus getting rid of all the dodgy wiring/switching in the Stax box and hooking them up directly together to create a single dedicated driver unit for the 'phones. Pix are attached - it sounds absolutely brilliant! Am considering going in to production on this with an improved version of the amp and an emulation of the original Stax SRD7-SB circuitry (with possible enhancement to Pro Bias output option and also one that takes a full line out with Volume control). Is anyone interested? Am talking to a prominent (no names, no drill) electronics engineer friend who reckons he can replicate the whole with significant tweaks ( and also make it universal for 'normal' can users and I've already got the chassis/casing idea on price etc. but it might be worth a punt for serious can fans...


    Attached Files:

    christalin, Jan 26, 2009
  2. christalin


    Oct 14, 2008
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    Can fan

    Seems a very worthwhile project particularly as your intention is to upgrade a damn fine SRD to an SRM and be able to use non- electostatics into the bargain. It may also be a godsend to those with a buggered SRD of almost any vintage as they are unrepairable except through enthusiasts. I'll keep in touch with developements and could even find myself at the very least, trying one out.
    graniczna31, Jan 31, 2009
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