Superbowl Xl

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Levi_501, Feb 6, 2006.

  1. Levi_501

    Levi_501 Its in The Jeans...

    Nov 3, 2004
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    So who else stayed up last night and is feeling like sh17 this morning !

    It was not the best game I have ever seen, but it was a bit of a nail biter !

    I was routing for Pitt, as they were the AFC team.
    Levi_501, Feb 6, 2006
  2. Levi_501

    badchamp Thermionic Member

    Jun 19, 2003
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    NW London
    Watched first half of it then fell asleep, don't have any particular interest but it made a change of viewing. Why the AFC rather than the NFL? And what was Martin Johnsons connection with the SEahawks?

    Am feeling sh*t this morining but more a case of food poisining, couple of really good oral empties so far:(
    badchamp, Feb 6, 2006
  3. Levi_501

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Yep, I watched it.

    First time I can remember watching a game all the wya through. Not as bad as I expected and I started to get into it a bit.

    However, I just don't think Americans should be allowed to commentate on sports. stat's stat's stat's!!!
    MO!, Feb 6, 2006
  4. Levi_501

    Levi_501 Its in The Jeans...

    Nov 3, 2004
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    The NFL is made up from the American Football Conference and the National Football Conference, (AFC & NFC) as the team I support is the AFC, and they did not make it to the Superbowl, I have to follow the next best, the AFC team, in this case was Pittsburgh Steelers.

    MJ, recently did a documentry with for Sky it was called Lfe in the NFL (I think). The show was about everything behind the glitz and glamour, and how high school players went up throguh college and then on to the selection to be in the NFL.

    Yes the stats does get a little anoying
    Levi_501, Feb 7, 2006
  5. Levi_501

    andy m

    Jan 27, 2006
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    i enjoyed the game but ITVs coverage was dire:

    1) gabby yorath - patently had no clue. kept referring to dhani jones as a legend. jones couldn't keep a straight face. he's not even the eagles best linebacker, let alone a legend. the poor guy. by the end of the show, yorath was either drunk or being kept awake by a dripfeed of caffeine which was only just keeping her eyes open. why does television foist people like this upon us?

    2) martin johnson - had a vague idea, but OH MAN HE PLAYS RUGBY WHICH HAS AN OVAL BALL SO OBVIOUSLY HE IS THE RIGHT GUY TO TELL US ABOUT THIS 'GRID IRON' THING! saints alive. i am sick of being patronised by tv companies when it comes to this sport. its been on telly here for 20 years now - and still they treat us like morons.

    3) the rolling stones / half time show - half an hour! half a bloody hour! can you imagine if there was a half hour break during the FA Cup Final? there'd be a riot!

    itv could have solved most of the problems by just utilising Gary Imlach. the guy knows american football inside out, is eloquent, intelligent and is a good presenter. totally wasted by itv's incompetence and desperate attempts to appeal to people who don't care about watching the game but just want an excuse to eat hot dogs and get wasted on a sunday night.

    also i would say that stats are a huge component of american football and contribute a lot to the understanding of the game, although frequently they are used out of context to explain something that isn't true - e.g. WOAH, WHEN PITTSBURGH GETS 100+ YARDS RUSHING THEY ARE 40-0! they didn't win because they got 100 yards rushing, the got 100+ yards rushing because they won.
    andy m, Feb 7, 2006
  6. Levi_501

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    The stat's I found MOst amusing were about some guy having the longest name on his shirt.... and would ya believe it..... the second longest name was his opposite number
    MO!, Feb 7, 2006
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