Tag Go Bye Bye

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by wadia-miester, Jul 29, 2003.

  1. wadia-miester

    julian2002 Muper Soderator

    Jun 19, 2003
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    i'd like to make it clear that the following comment is not as a moderator but as a contributor to this forum...

    can you please show me the bit where tony referred to you specificly the only thing close i can find is...

    but even here you are not specificly mentioned.

    obviously there is some tension between you and tony and i've been aware of some of the history of that tension however hopefully an air of forgive and forget can be fostered and olive branches exchanged as you both have (sometimes contradictory but) valid and useful viewpoints and information.

    i really do think that you should be a little less sensitive about this, i realise that emotions can run high when discussing our beloved bits of kit and this gives rise to some good discussion, some argument and a healthy, interesting forum. unfortunately just shouting 'foul' and insinuating that a forum rule be invoked for what most could see as a joke isn't going to benefit anyone.

    just my point of view...feel free to agree, flame, ask for my head on a plate as you see fit.


    julian2002, Aug 3, 2003
  2. wadia-miester


    Jun 23, 2003
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    Just my tuppence worth but CJ just seems to have a serious lack of humour and fails to see the lighthearted side of life, hardly surprising coming from Aberdeen;)

    I suggest we just let him throw his toys around and ignore him, seems to work for the majority of parents across the country.

    This is not a personal insult, simply a view of CJ's character, and maybe if we don't take any notice, he will just go away.
    merlin, Aug 3, 2003
  3. wadia-miester

    wadia-miester Mighty Rearranger

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Beyond the 4th Dimension
    Oh Errr.... :cry: :newbie: :chair: seems even a joke is taken the wrong way, CJ don't be so dander personified, I think you have serveral issuses which you have to deal with, if you cannot differenicate between a joke and personal attack, maybe some quality R+R will help, T'was but a light hearted minor quip. WM (who's no forum owner and resevers the right to stay on the werid side of netural) :crazy:
    wadia-miester, Aug 3, 2003
  4. wadia-miester

    sideshowbob Trisha

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Stop causing trouble you lot.

    (Shuffles off shiftily, whistling nervously and looking over shoulder)

    -- Ian
    sideshowbob, Aug 3, 2003
  5. wadia-miester


    Jun 19, 2003
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    Berkshire, UK
    OK, my turn.

    IMO most of the posts in question have been fairly light hearted jokey type comments that should have warranted an equally light hearted reply rather than a big diatribe against the posters in question.

    Reacting in an outraged or serious manner only gives people more ammunition to go with. If jokes are just laughed off in the spirit in which they were intended, things move on and people find something else to joke about. This seems to me just one of the basic rules of life. I am sure all of us have been laughed at in some way or other during the course of our lives and most of us have learned how to deal with it.

    So, my point is - why not lighten up and stop taking things so seriously on these forums. Life's too short for this kind of crap.

    Robbo, Aug 3, 2003
  6. wadia-miester


    Jun 23, 2003
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    Still crushes me everyday Robbo, hence my low self esteem:chop:
    merlin, Aug 3, 2003
  7. wadia-miester

    sideshowbob Trisha

    Jun 20, 2003
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    But there's no need to punish yourself, Merlin, by persisting with that rubbish graphic equaliser thingy. You deserve better, old chap.

    -- Ian

    (Do you think I've done enough stirring in this thread? :D )
    sideshowbob, Aug 3, 2003
  8. wadia-miester


    Jun 23, 2003
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    To change the subject Neil, how dare you refer to my girlfried like that:mad:

    No seriously yep the babies should arrive next week. When you realise the cone is actually 15" diameter, you start to apreciate just how overbuilt the motor assembly and basket are:D 40lbs each, is that my neibours moving out:D
    merlin, Aug 3, 2003
  9. wadia-miester


    Jun 23, 2003
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    Ian thanks for the kind words:) But I keep hoping that if I persevere with this Tact, my life will be enhanced and traditional therapy, very costly I believe, can be avoided;)
    merlin, Aug 3, 2003
  10. wadia-miester

    sideshowbob Trisha

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Ah, I understand. What you're saying is that you're delusional. Fair enough, so am I.

    -- Ian
    sideshowbob, Aug 3, 2003
  11. wadia-miester

    garyi Wish I had a Large Member

    Jun 19, 2003
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    CJ, in fairness if I went off on one every time someone here took the piss out of naim, we would all be in trouble.

    sleep well knowing that:

    naim is crap.
    dacs are pointless.
    MF is wallowing shit.
    Tag is no more (snigger snigger)
    Denon is comet cheap
    Marantz is comet cheap.
    Richers are crap.

    etc etc, we all have opinons, and its human nature to take the piss a bit, get over it. Its only a box after all. even though the dac20 does look nice and shiny which of course is all important ;)
    garyi, Aug 3, 2003
  12. wadia-miester

    michaelab desafinado

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Lisbon, Portugal
    Antonio - just read your little "discussion" with Udo over on the Tag forum :D Seems like he doesn't like you anymore :torkmada:

    Are you going to return the book about the McLaren F1 car he gave you aswell? If you are, I'll have it :D

    Udo should have stuck to what he was (apparently) good at: being a techie. It doesn't look like he knows so much about running a business!

    michaelab, Aug 4, 2003
  13. wadia-miester

    lowrider Live music is surround

    Jun 19, 2003
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    I was getting seasick with all those posts in TAG's forum, so much BS... I had to spill my heart out... :rolleyes:

    You wouldn't have a McLaren car book... :p
    lowrider, Aug 4, 2003
  14. wadia-miester

    michaelab desafinado

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Lisbon, Portugal
    I can make one exception, for a book about the F1 road car. Even though I'm a die-hard Ferrari fan I just can't dispute that the McLaren F1 was and still is the best supercar ever made. Nothing Ferrari has made, not even the recent Enzo, comes close. And the best thing of all is that gorgeous BMW 6.5 V12 litre engine :eek: I have to make do with "half" that engine in my M3 (the 6cyl M3 3.2L 'Evo' engine is basically a half of a McLaren F1 engine) - and of course half the power :)

    michaelab, Aug 4, 2003
  15. wadia-miester

    lowrider Live music is surround

    Jun 19, 2003
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    You have nothing to say about my test of the TAG transport... :confused:
    lowrider, Aug 4, 2003
  16. wadia-miester

    michaelab desafinado

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Lisbon, Portugal
    O que?? Where did you post that?

    EDIT: OK - I saw, on the CDA. I replied :)

    michaelab, Aug 4, 2003
  17. wadia-miester

    lowrider Live music is surround

    Jun 19, 2003
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    I posted here too... :rolleyes:
    lowrider, Aug 4, 2003
  18. wadia-miester

    CJROSS Guest

    Michael, feel free to remove my membership of this forum any time you wish, Im only replying to what I see as a "pop" at me, this post is to clear up some misunderstandings with some of the posters here who think Im hacked off about the DAC 20 getting slated this is not the case, firstly quite a few of you know that I dont get on to well with the Omigaudio corporation that is WM/Timpy, Timpys reply straight after mine highlights the tag-team mentality of the pair AFAIC, Im generally happy to sit in the background and let their opinions fly by, even if its only me who think it serves their business purposes, but when I see something I reckon to be personal and no indication of it being kept in check, I will post as I have.

    Jules : the use of that avatar WM is aimed at me personally (even if he thinks its a "joke"), if you have any doubts check out his replies to me in the past on this forum (A quick perusal of the search facility will suffice) I happen to feel it's a pop at me.

    My reply had nothing to do with bringing the "wrath" down about the DAC 20 (although some here would love to paint that scenario), even I dont think that it is the ubersource in digital terms, I have never spouted that the DAC 20 is the best DAC out there, I have maybe said in the past that it has better connection facilities than other price comparable DACs available but the best for sound quality no, again I have never said its better sounding
    than a DAC for example like the A3.24 have I ? So this "wrath" crap is quite irritating and it (IMO) only serves a purpose to demean audio/music fans who doesent see I-to-I with the poster in question. I dont take that as a "joke", dont be fooled into thinking this is just good humoured banter : I take it as otherwise from him and he knows it. These are the first
    communications since our last dust up, so a joke ? : you decide.

    So I may have a humour bypass (I quite agree BTW) as some of you suggest but there is a lot more to this particular discussion than meets the eye and the history of it goes back a long way that you may have missed, its deeper than someone having a pop at a DAC I currently own (or for that matter the TT/ICs/Speaker cable I use). I think there has been a line of
    people / audio users who have had runs ins with WM before Im only one but Im sure the rest of you know the dudes I talk of. One long time poster of HFC for example who knew more about audio than WM does in his little toe simply stopped posting, I never spotted it at the time but its apparent to me now, WM disagreed with him so much as he would just not toe the line
    with WMs idea of "hifi", that posters need to bale out on audio discussions I can fully understand these days.

    I guess Im at a point where I cant be bothered to defend kit I own or like (it works for me that's all that matters when alls said & done), when I clearly can see no matter what is said there is always going to be posters who feel the need to diss others choices (this I truly detest) this was never the case when I first got into hifi, I find it quite sad really when at the end of the day we are all here because we love music & its reproduction via hifi components, I cant really reconcile how this hobby has got to the point where people have to deride others choices in hifi kit, ie the kit seems to be The fascination when alls said & done for many : its about the music always has been, always will be. I think it was all put in context today when I read on HFC that a poster wanted another dead via cancer and acted as if nothing had happened afterwards.

    Forum use just aint worth that level of venom or this backbiting IMO, maybe Im an idealist but I honestly don't think that there is a "crap" component out there it can all be mixed and matched to great effect. I have always striven to fight against opinion that labels kit in that fashion thats my problem, I will not "snipe from the sideline or stir up trouble" here anymore. ATB Michael.

    No need to show me the door I'll get me coat.
    CJROSS, Aug 4, 2003
  19. wadia-miester


    Jun 19, 2003
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    Berkshire, UK
    Agreed CJ, That kind of puts it all in perspective really. It's only hifi after all - why the hell do we all get so worked up about it?
    Robbo, Aug 4, 2003
  20. wadia-miester

    wadia-miester Mighty Rearranger

    Jun 19, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Beyond the 4th Dimension
    CJ 'Your' avatar was concived by another memeber of the forum, especialy for YOU and had nothing to do with me. Just based on your postings and when shown it, a more fitting one I couldn't have constructed if I tried. WM
    wadia-miester, Aug 4, 2003
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