TagMcLaren Pre - Sale or exchange

Discussion in 'Classified Adverts' started by dreftar, Jan 26, 2008.

  1. dreftar


    Jan 3, 2006
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    Shetland Islands
    Tag McLaren F3 series PA10 Pre-Amp
    Just over 2 years old. Upgrade to passive Pre forces sale. I have owned it from new and I believe original packaging is up in the loft.
    Good Headphone output - Good Phono MMand MC input. It is exceptionally well built and totally reliable.

    Pm me with offers please

    or perhaps an exchange/part exchange Loud Speakers (spendor BC1 KEF 104 Ab B&W etc - for my bedroom system) Or WHY
    I am also looking out for a good quad power amp.
    dreftar, Jan 26, 2008
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