Thought I'd give you an update on some more recent findings. [IMG][/IMG] A couple of changes have improved things even more, almost making it sound like WMs system (can't be bad): 1. A new and improved interconnect from Zanash. This time using bullet plugs for connecting to my VRDS-7 and neutric din plug to connect to my Nait 5/hicap. Overall a big improvement. Far more detail and bass, all in all a definite move in the right direction 2. Today I tried some more room damping. This time by hanging a duvet cover behind my seating position (using some dining chairs). Wow, for a free mod, works wonders at controlling unwanted high end frequency stuff. Seems to give the system more bass too. I'm not sure whether that's because I'm playing the system louder, or that the duvet is reflecting some bass, whilst simply smothering the excess treble. So, huge smiles from London.