Stirs the blood :D I see your local lot are on there Tones. The secret crew from Basel!
Funny you should mention that, MO! They came home today to a triumphant reception at the Basel Rathaus (Town Hall), which was flying not only the Basel cantonal flag but also the Cross of St. Andrew and Top Secret's own flag. They were in uniform, and did a bit of the Tattoo routine, which was most impressive. Can't wait until it comes on TV here (they usually keep it until Christmas for some reason!).
That bloke stood in the middle while they circled him had some nuts on him! Not so much as a blink! Tones, the Top Secrets were aMOngst the MOst impressive! High speed and throwing, twirling, swoping, and such! P.S. That's the Basel town hall in the background. It looks olde worlde but was in fact built in 1901! Only the middle bit of the Rathaus is genuinely mediaeval.
Well, in comparison with the genuinely old bit of the Rathaus, which is 1400 and something, it isn't old. Aha, I remember well the day it was finished (the mediaeval bit...)
Enjoyed watching this years, yesterday. Only managed to catch some of it, but again the Top Secret Drum Corps, were great! Go there, and check out the Top Secret Drum Corps in particular. Official site