Teac 4 track Recorder

Discussion in 'Classified Adverts' started by Bloonose, Mar 22, 2009.

  1. Bloonose


    Mar 20, 2009
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    Many of you 'll never have seen one of these before? From the day's before CD even! Musicians used to use these to record their albums on and others just for music. This records 4 individual tracks in one direction or 2 then 2 in the opposite. I used to mix tracks into each other using it rather than risk making a mistake live mixing for compilations.

    Enough of the history lesson, its quite dusty and seem to remember one of the bulbs for the VU meters was out when last switched on about 8 yrs ago, Vol/Level pots probably need a squirt of cleaner too. but I can take care of these things for the purchaser should I get any interest. I have some TDK tapes still brand new in boxes and more Metal reels to go with it. Ckeck out old Human League and the like videos on youtube to see these in action.

    I also have quite a few other items I want to sell inc 3head cassette decks by Aiwa and Denon plus Rotel, Technics and Pioneer CD's and last but not least a Top end Minidisc by Denon.

    The other picture below the Teac is of an Old Toshiba Receiver which still works, what a beast and capable of driving 3 sets of speakers very loud indeed!

    Any potential buyers of anything send me a PM offer!


    Don't make thes like this anymore eh?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2009
    Bloonose, Mar 22, 2009
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