That Old Margolis Magic

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by merlin, Oct 30, 2003.

  1. merlin


    Jun 23, 2003
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    The other evening I had the pleasure listening to the 7th Veil speakers that Steve has recently launched. Steve came over to my place in order to experiment with various crossover frequencies courtesy of the ever adaptable TacT RCS2.2X. I hope that the excercise was of some use, what it did do was to give me the opportunity to hear the Nonsuch/Awesome combination.

    before saying anything, please bear in mind that whilst we used an excellent transport, the Dac and amps value would have totalled about £100 max! SO you have to make allowances for that. Regardless of the poor signal, the 7V speakers have some qualities that will endear them to a number of critical listeners. the overriding impression was one of coherence, along with a total lack of boxiness that bore comparison with many of the panel speakers I have heard.

    Once we had played around a bit, they exhibited excellent loudness capabilities as well, which was a pleasent surprise. Some have said the treble is rolled off. This is not the case. Rather there is a lack of artificiality in that region which is typical of a traditional dome tweeter. Call it energy if you like, even ML have fitted such a unit to some of their new range to spice up AV. For music listening however, they are best left off.

    The measurements showed and impressively flat response from 1khz up to 18khz above which the Bandor's cone breakup becomes identifiable. It is certainly not rolled off. In absolute terms, the area below the upper mids was a couple of db up, this leading to the laid back midrange typical of BBC type monitors. This lends a relaxing smoothness to the overall presentation which particularly suits female vocals and small ensembles.

    Overall, I'd say they are a very viable proposition for those beguiled by panels but hampered by space constraints. I cannot make a definitive judgement, as things such as imaging specivity and transparency were largely restrained by the appalling electronics used. I would have liked to have heard them with suitable ancillaries. For those who have heard them before, a change in crossover frequency really did bring body and warmth to the sound without losing that elusive panel like coherence.

    I believe Steve is close to finalizing the filters now. If you get the chance, have a listen. You might find yourself in 7th heaven!

    BTW, they sounded great when room corrected;)
    merlin, Oct 30, 2003
  2. merlin

    wadia-miester Mighty Rearranger

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Beyond the 4th Dimension
    Glad you liked the 7V properites Mike, and with the information thus glee'd from your goodself :) I feel Steve will be well on the way to maxermising their fullest potenial, top guy for giving your time and effort Mike :) Wm
    wadia-miester, Oct 30, 2003
  3. merlin

    7_V I want a Linn - in a DB9

    Aug 7, 2003
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    Great Missenden, Bucks
    Yes, thanks very much for your time and effort, Mike.

    Just a word of explanation for other forum members ...

    I had been listening to my Little Awesome bass units with a temporary low-pass filter from Audio Research (while I waited for the designer to complete the filter I had specified). When my own filter arrived finally there was a dip in the response somewhere between 100Hz and 150Hz which necessitated a change in the filter values. Mike very kindly offered to use the Tact gear to simulate any filter frequency that I would need so I could do the final tuning by ear.

    The dip had been particularly apparent when I took the speakers to a 'pre-review day out' at Paul Messenger's. His listening room had a large suck-out at about 100Hz which exaggerated the dip my speakers were showing.

    Anyway, I think that Mike and I have determined a good curve for the filter, which gives the right amount of bass warmth and slam without blurring or surpressing the mid-range. I have gone back to my filter designer with the new values and I should have the final filter in time for Paul Messenger's review at the beginning of December. Thanks again Mike.

    One thing I would like to add to Mike's comments above ...

    I was very impressed by how transparent the TACT system seemed, even when we played it for full room compensation. Of course we'd need to do it again with semi-decent power amps to be sure but still, this was a surprise to me.

    PS: Can we resume normal forum hostilities now? ;)
    7_V, Oct 30, 2003
  4. merlin


    Jun 23, 2003
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    From your web site:

    With this in mind, I was disappointed with your choice of Cambridge Audio amplification and the RRD (Rusty Roksan Dac). Kind of like taking me out for a test drive in the Ferrari and filling her up with diesel.

    Still, if nothing else, the evening showed me what I am missing now that I've retired the TacT. The difference between the Moon kit and the Tact is not subtle, but whilst the Sim stuff commands you attention and involves you totally, the TacT just lets everything wash over you in a relaxing fashion. Must say I kind of miss that on occasions.

    And I also learn't that 7V can claim to have really super balls, unlike anything else I have seen;)
    merlin, Oct 30, 2003
  5. merlin

    7_V I want a Linn - in a DB9

    Aug 7, 2003
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    Great Missenden, Bucks
    Suggested new paragraph for web site:
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2003
    7_V, Oct 30, 2003
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