The Avondale offer to Barnie

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by michaelab, Jan 5, 2004.

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  1. michaelab

    michaelab desafinado

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Lisbon, Portugal
    For those who may not be aware "Barnie" has been in dispute with Les @ Avondale Audio about a Naim CD3 which Barnie had wanted to get modified. If you don't know what I'm on about then I'm not going to elaborate as this post won't be relevant to you. If you do know then I don't need to elaborate :)

    Anyway, Les @ Avondale said all along he'd come up with an offer to Barnie to hopefully resolve the issue on Jan 5th. He has done and I'm posting it here for the benefit of Barnie and so that others who may have been following the issue are aware.

    There will be no discussion of this offer here. It is now a matter between Barnie and Les and the public posting of Les's offer here is only necessary because Barnie unnecessarily brought the dispute into the public domain in the first place.



    The Avondale offer to Barnie:

    Option 1. A repair and service to the allegedly faulty CD3 of any fault found. The work will carry a six month guarantee and be checked prior to return by a Naim authorised dealer. Avondale will pay all carriage charges.

    Option 2. Purchase by Avondale of the allegedly faulty CD3 at the valuation given publicly by Barnie of £500. It should be noted that mint condition used CD3s are available currently, circa £350 - either privately or from dealers.

    Option 3. Replacement of the allegedly faulty CD3 by a mint condition CD3 recently purchased from a dealer. The replacement will be boxed (Barnie's CD3 was not) and carry a six month guarantee. Avondale will pay all carriage charges plus re-imburse Barnie of his expenses in the sum of £50 for previous travel to Avondale's premises.

    Option 4. Replacement of the allegedly faulty CD3 by a fine condition CD3.5 player.

    Barnie is invited to choose one option from the above in full and final settlement of any claim he may have against Avondale Audio. The above offers neither express nor imply any admission of liability by Avondale.
    michaelab, Jan 5, 2004
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