The next step is half done

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by titian, Nov 22, 2004.

  1. titian


    Jun 25, 2003
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    A couple of weeks ago I finally received the report of the acoustics in my listening room.
    They suggested me to do two things:

    . buy 4 Omniffusors for the ceiling. I decided to buy 10 Omniffusor instead in order to treat the whole listening area and not only the optimal position. These diffusor are arriving tomorrow, then I will start screwing them to the ceiling.

    . buy or make two mobile Diffusor/bass-trap pannels for the back wall, the one behind the listening position. With the report I received also the detailed plan of the pannels. Since millimeters make a difference, I decided to tell the carpenter to cut the wood, while I would put the things together (wood, glasswool, Teroform 6012, cloth). Saturday night at 2 AM I finally finished the pannels. Here are the four photos I made:


    Sunday was dedicated to listening to music.
    Well I heard a difference throughout the whole frequency range. Even if before there was a great clarity and a large soundstage now there is a greater awareness of the presence of the instruments. Especially in the low frequencies (acoustic bass, drums for example) one can distinguish more the different notes which are near each other. There is also a feeling that there is more low frequencies, but I believe it is because now there is more clearness. I will have to readjust the level 'subwoofer – satellites' but only after installing the diffusors on the ceilling and getting the computer to measure the room acoustics again.
    Also hearing the soprano-choir I notice that the slight impurities (distortions) have gone.

    I must say I'm very happy about these changes and I constantly get more convinced, the more I hear music. I am looking forward to hear what the Omniffusors do.

    The question which some people debate on is, if an acoustical treatment of a listening room makes more impact on the quality of the music than let's say a change of an amplifier in the Hifi system.
    Sunday afternoon I would have said that the difference when swapping my NA-1 and the Classe Audio Fifteen is bigger than the difference I hear with the acoustical treatment I have done up to now. Yesterday night, after hearing a CD of Oscar Petterson live in Paris, I wasn't anymore sure about that.
    This is going to be a great birthday present and I will enjoy it for a long time.

    I'll keep you informed about the progress of the acoustical treatment. In a month the speciallist on acoustics will measure the room again and will let me know which will be the next step (if any).
    titian, Nov 22, 2004
  2. titian


    Jun 23, 2003
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    Excellent Titian. I look forward to further installments.
    merlin, Nov 22, 2004
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