[QUOTE]Vinyl sounds nice no doubt about it, 2nd level harmonics, I enjoy it ,a bit in valve amps, but if you really want to hear everything you listen to digital, if you design an amp or a loudspeaker you use digital, because you need a reliable and repeatable , uncoloured source . Keith.[/QUOTE] BUT the thing is Keith CD is coloured just as much as vinyl is coloured or else all CD players would sound the same.....BUT they don't and you know that - I hope. If digital was that good you would own a cheap Philips 850 or better still we would not be having this discussion. If 50% of us are pro-vinyl what does that say about CD? 2nd harmonic distortion maybe pleasant but don't forget you are adding these up in your preamp and poweramp and at different frequencies. At some frequencies they'll be major peaks and others nothing. Is this good? It's like eating chocolate, take a bite, then the whole bar, then get another bar and another until it's too much. High levels of any single harmonic distortion is NO GOOD, you are better off with a mixture.