The Recycle Collective

Discussion in 'General Music' started by Active Hiatus, Oct 21, 2005.

  1. Active Hiatus

    Active Hiatus

    Oct 11, 2005
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    Frozen to the Highland Line
    Everyso often I feel gutted that I'm not living in London, this feeling is always short lived but is sparked by yet another concert I won't be able to attend. This time it's a series of concerts called the Recycled Collective featuring the UK's leading bass virtuoso Steve Lawson. Taking place at the Darbuka World Music Bar they will feature such musicians as Theo Travis, Orphy Robinson and pedal guitar supremo B J Cole.

    Not living in London does mean I'm going to miss out but if you're in the area it looks like you're onto a good thing. If anyone goea can they report back please?
    Active Hiatus, Oct 21, 2005
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