The Stone Roses

Discussion in 'General Music' started by amazingtrade, Jul 14, 2004.

  1. amazingtrade

    amazingtrade Mad Madchestoh fan

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Does anybody else think they are good (to listen to)? I have recently got into them and I think they are quite good despite hearing a lot of bad things about their live performances.
    amazingtrade, Jul 14, 2004
  2. amazingtrade


    Jan 25, 2004
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    what bad things? Their Woodstock gig changed lives! if thats not too melodramatic,although Sir Ian could be a drunken twat on stage sometimes

    they started it all,the whole Brit pop thing,Oasis are still in awe of them tbh,and rightly so,imo,their first lp is a fabulous piece of work
    Saab, Jul 14, 2004
  3. amazingtrade

    amazingtrade Mad Madchestoh fan

    Jun 19, 2003
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    The drunken twat bit I guess, the bad things are more about Ian Brown than the band though.

    I bought their first LP (if you mean Stone Roses) the other day and its much better than I expected. Pure class.
    amazingtrade, Jul 14, 2004
  4. amazingtrade


    Jan 25, 2004
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    yep,its class alright:)

    its a mystery to me why Ian Brown hasn't produced any brilliant material solo though,although i liked the Monlet stuff
    Saab, Jul 14, 2004
  5. amazingtrade

    sideshowbob Trisha

    Jun 20, 2003
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    "Waterfall" aside, I thought they were rubbish.

    -- Ian
    sideshowbob, Jul 14, 2004
  6. amazingtrade

    bottleneck talks a load of rubbish

    Jun 19, 2003
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    The Stone Roses were THE britpop band... innovators, not imitators.

    Theyve never been equalled, John Squires is one of the best melodic guitar players of recent years, and they simply crafted perfect pop songs.

    Oasis saw a formula and mimicked it. The result was a watered down soggy damp squib of a comparison.

    Everyone should own their albums, and its funny how the much maligned 'Second Coming' is an album that people are now actually saying.... it was REALLY good!.. and it was!!! - they just had an almost impossible task to follow their previous releases.

    AT, you have to get all their albums Im afraid, they simply shit on their peers.
    The world is split into those who appreciate the stone roses, and those who dont like or understand guitar based music.

    Taking 'Resurection' for example - you have a song that instantly gives me goosebumps and gets me on my feet, despite having heard it literally hundreds of time. Genius. Pure Genius.

    I was also a big fan of the seahorses (again sometimes ridiculously panned by critics) but you just cant buy the seahorses albums until you have bought all of the Stone Roses albums. That is in fact, the law.

    bottleneck, Jul 14, 2004
  7. amazingtrade

    amazingtrade Mad Madchestoh fan

    Jun 19, 2003
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    hehe its very expensive though. I still need to get a couple of Joy Divison and New Order albums, need to buy another 3 Smiths albums, grrr, now all the Stone Roses ones. I will end up with about 2000 CDs at this rate :p

    I will see how much the Stone Roses stuff is on vinly, I am guessing not cheap though.
    amazingtrade, Jul 14, 2004
  8. amazingtrade

    bottleneck talks a load of rubbish

    Jun 19, 2003
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    probably right AT!

    I bought 'second coming' on vinyl from simply vinyl on a 180g pressing for a fiver.
    Dont know if the offer is still going though.

    Theres only 3 albums from memory anyway, so they should get preference over joy division and new order ! :D
    bottleneck, Jul 15, 2004
  9. amazingtrade

    SCIDB Moderator

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Hi AT,

    The Stone Roses were the right band at the right time. Along with the Happy Mondays they helped to set the standards for the Madchester scene. I wouldn't call them the creators of Britpop, more forerunners. They did help create a style that had indie kids (shoeglazers) turning into dance music & dance styles. The Stone Roses made catchy songs. Fools Gold was a peak for this period, using a James Brown "Funky Drummer" beat along with a groovy bassline & standout guitar hooks. The vocals fitted in to produce a top notch tune.

    The late 80s saw a rise in house & hip hop music. This had hit the mainstream. The summer of love in 1988 saw the rise of Acid house to the masses. The rave culture had stepped up a gear. This saw a number of indie kids getting into a whole new scene. It helped to form the Madchester scene & music.

    I remember this period well as it was when I first started to dj. It was interesting to see some indie kids go from black doom & gloom clothes to Joe Bloggs baggies.

    The Stones Roses only did 2 studio albums plus a number of compilations. Getting them should be no problem. They had a few singles which are on the many compilations.

    I have to agree with Chris (Bottleneck), I Am the Resurrection is pure genius. I played this many times in the past to big dancefloor reaction. I too would put them ahead of Joy Divison & New Order (on entertainment value yes, on influential value maybe not).

    Have a look here. This will give you some details of their output.

    SCIDB, Jul 15, 2004
  10. amazingtrade

    TonyL Club Krautrock Plinque

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Another pink world
    I don't see the Stone Roses as being remotely the same as Joy Division in either genre, quality or influential stature, good band though they were. I saw both the Roses and the Happy Mondays many, many times early on before either band really broke through (a friends band supported both bands quite regularly so I could blag in!).

    I felt the Stone Roses lost it totally after the superb first album (I've got the numbered 2x45rpm version :)) and early singles, but the Happy Mondays produced far more great music – I always rated the Mondays far higher to be honest. The Mondays gigs were usually a total shambles, but in a really good way! Both bands represented pretty much the exact point that the indie scene discovered E and that is definitely what made it all work.

    TonyL, Jul 15, 2004
  11. amazingtrade


    Dec 10, 2003
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    You just got to listen to Breaking Into Heaven, the first song on the Second Coming, to realise what a great band they were.
    Best start to an album ever recorded? Quite possibly.
    It makes me laugh when you see these guys piss all over folk like Oasis from such a height...theres just so much natural talent there.
    If you don't own it, get thee to amazon where its available used for about £2.50....go go go!
    Heavymental, Jul 15, 2004
  12. amazingtrade


    Jan 25, 2004
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    sort of agree,but Oasis have ritten some great music,imho
    Saab, Jul 15, 2004
  13. amazingtrade


    Dec 10, 2003
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    Very true, but they have a shallow well of talent to draw from. Some of their songs are great, iconic and important, but you look at their peers...Stone Roses, Charlatans, Pulp, Blur and Radiohead and theres just so much more depth to the creativity. Oasis then draw the criticism by proclaiming greatness and taking themselves sooo seriously.

    Btw I only have Unfinished Monkey Business by Ian Brown but I'll snap up some of his other stuff if I see it cheap having heard some of the singles down the years...F.E.A.R, Monkeys Were Dolphins etc.
    Does no one rate his solo stuff? I thought some the tunes on Unfinished... really rocked, check out Can't See Me, absoulute corker. Although this is one of the albums where the production stands out as being poor to me, especially on that track, not sure if I'm right or if my system just doesn't like it. Interested to know....
    Heavymental, Jul 15, 2004
  14. amazingtrade


    Jan 25, 2004
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    I rate Monkey Business,it has a wacky feel to it I like

    I agree Oasis are wankers,the constant self comparisons to The Beatles and drunken chav antics endear them to no one.They seemed to try hard at Glastonbury though
    Saab, Jul 15, 2004
  15. amazingtrade


    Dec 10, 2003
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    Didn't see that, although I heard Johnny Walker commenting about how little interaction there was with the crowd, he made a good point about how tiresome that badboy attitude is. I know what he means...when I was at glasto in 95 (or thereabouts) I saw Oasis and Pulp. Jarvis' personality reached to the very back of the crowd, it was pretty amazing to watch such charisma from that awkward looking fella ooze through the whole crowd. Oasis on the other hand, like you say, endeared themselves to no one. Pretty one dimensional.
    But.... I'll always sing along to Supersonic and Morning Glory with gusto if it comes on the radio! :boogie:
    Heavymental, Jul 15, 2004
  16. amazingtrade

    mr cat Member of the month

    Jul 31, 2003
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    stone roses - average band...check out Galaxie 500....more chilled out music I grant, but top notch stuff tho...
    mr cat, Jul 15, 2004
  17. amazingtrade

    SCIDB Moderator

    Jun 19, 2003
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    I would say Oasis were the right band at the right time. The Britpop boom had started with more & more guitar bands in the charts. Guitar pop was doing good business. I do agree there are many better bands but you have to give them their dues at reaching greatness in a short period of time. Their music struck a chord with the masses. This is not easy to do. Their image of common as muck bad boys appealed to the man & woman in the street at the time. The songs were catchy, like good pop music should be, with nice hooks & Beatle type melodies. You can hear bits of many bands in there. Couple this with rivalry with Blur and they were on to a winner. They have the fastest selling debut album in the Uk & the 2nd best selling album in the UK of alltime.

    Popular music likes band mania & Oasis fitted the bill at the time. The press loved to build them up. Again I remember the rise of this band from nowhere to big stars. The buzz about this band was huge. The first two albums set the standards for the band.

    In the eyes of a lot of people, in a very short time, they did reach greatness. They did help to define the pop scene of the late 80s/early 90s to a very big effect so they had a big influence on music. A number of bands seem to follow their style. The fans lapped it up &, if they played their cards right, could have been even bigger.

    I do agree about the drugs thing. Popular music & drugs are never too far apart.

    SCIDB, Jul 16, 2004
  18. amazingtrade

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    As others have said, get em all!

    If you've already got The Stone Roses, next should be Turns Into Stone, followed by The Second Coming. There's a few other bits and bobs. A remix album which is well worth a listen for Grooveriders take on Fools Gold alone! "The Complete" has various hits and other bits on it. And Garage Flower, which .... I've probably only managed to listen to about 3 times.

    I think there was a MOre recent "Best of" type album recently too.

    Considering John Squire was meant to be the creative talent behind them 'roses, I've not thought much of his stuff since. The Seahorses (anorgram for He Hates Roses), were very OKish IMO, and his Solo album didn't really grab me either. Ian Brown however has knocked out some much better stuff. MOnkey Business has some quality tunes on it, and MOre recent stuff is good too. F.E.A.R is an amazing tune IMO (Notice how every line starts with them letters "For Each A Reason....").

    I seen one of the last gigs with Squire and Brown. There was a lot of talk in the music press about how they'd lost it, and Ian Brown couldn't sing for beans. I'd still rate it as one of the best gigs I've been too. A long Breaking Into Heaven type build up....... lots of smoke..... lights MOving about......... band appear on stage......... then the unmistakable opening notes of I Wanna Be Adored :D

    Apart from the fight that broke out between Cardiff and Swansea football fans, a good night really :D
    MO!, Jul 16, 2004
  19. amazingtrade

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    I never seen the MOndays, but seen Black Grape a few times. Like Tony says, was a bit messy, but in a good way. Was MOre of a "we're gonna have some fun and play some tunes, hope you lot have some fun too"

    Infact, I seen them support Oasis at Loch Lomand! Oasis were pretty damn good too. Not much in the way of crowd interaction, but there was still a buzz about it.
    MO!, Jul 16, 2004
  20. amazingtrade

    Doctor Jeep

    Jul 13, 2004
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    Stone Roses "The Stone Roses"

    Their first album sounds clinical and doesn't grab you by the throat on CD as it does on vinyl. Second Coming sounds great on CD though. Both are fantastic in my opinion. Oasis are a different kettle of fish and their studio albums have shite production. I'd recommend "Familiar To Millions" though - the live outing. Excellent.
    Doctor Jeep, Jul 17, 2004
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