The Who

Discussion in 'General Music' started by sickminddead, Apr 10, 2004.

  1. sickminddead


    Nov 18, 2003
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    I just picked up the new Who, Then and Now. It has the two
    new songs they did. Real Good Looking Boy is awesome. For
    me, it goes up there with there with my other favs. The cd
    booklet is hella cool. It has a ton of pictures and tour
    posters, and a mini career long story of the band. It is one
    of the better comp albums i have gotten.

    If you are a big Who fan, i suggest you check out their
    ufanz site. You can get news, inside details, promote the
    Who, and earn great Who items and prizes. I'm a member and
    if you want to get some great free stuff, it is great. The
    link to the site is:
    sickminddead, Apr 10, 2004
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