things that go bump in the night ....

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by zanash, Oct 31, 2007.

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  1. zanash


    Jun 20, 2003
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    As its hallowen must be the ghosties and ghoulies that have got in the system ...

    it seems my post are disappearing

    Its odd though as I'm getting the email responses to them but then there not there when I go and look.

    So mods if your censoring my posts would seem only reasonable to ask why .... ? If you are then it's normally custom to offer an explanation, and then tick the offender off if your unhappy with the content. By the way I'm normally nurdy enough to keep separate copies and its easy enough to copy and paste to repost.

    Or are you being influenced by the darker spirits or the evil presence's that lurk around the forums at this time of year ?

    Happy Hallowen
    zanash, Oct 31, 2007
  2. zanash

    Dev Moderator

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Ilford, Essex, UK
    I've deleted some of your posts because they were deliberately provocative. I do not have the time now to read everything and I must admit that it's possible that I might have made an error of misjudgement but I'm having a busy day at work and don't have the time to read everything posted here, so when I receive an email after someone's hit the report post button I took a quick look and thought it was best to remove some of your posts, along with some of SM's, it has to be said.

    I really don'y care about how many copies you keep of your posts. Stay within the AUP and the mods don't have to delete any of your posts.

    I'm closing this thread BTW as it's served it's purpose.
    Dev, Oct 31, 2007
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