I gave up in early 2003 mainly becuase the money and the fact I couldn't afford a car. I still can't afford a car but I think being able to drive will help when I start trading and me and my mate plan to go camping down south next year so it would be nice if we could share the driving. One problem is I can't insure my dads car becuase its too expensive, but I can drive so I am not sure if its worth paying for lessons. I am half thinking of buying a cheap £150 Fiesta, getting my dad to insure it then add me to it and then getting my dad to sit in with me. My mate said he would do it but he hasn't had his licence for 3 years yet. At other times I think whats the point? I live in a big city with buses every 1-2 minutes, a great train service to any where in the country so I some times think what is the point? I am already on a part time course and in the slow process of setting up my business but I want to improve myself further.