Yikes, reading that 501 link, old Garrards sound like an awfully complicated business! Ditto LP12s. I should say at this point that I'm very much a subscriber to the fit-and-forget school of hifi, and I'm not really in the mood to go reading vast reams of cryptic turntable lore before I can even begin to make an informed decision about what to buy and what it'll take to get it up and running, and to keep it up and running...
Honestly, as much as I like the VFM inherent in 2nd-hand buys, I'm seriously tempted to just plump for a brand new P5 or Pro-Ject RPM6 or Horizon SE and just be done with it! (I can also be a touch impatient and impulsive when it comes to buying toys..!)
So, unless somebody in the know can point me in the direction of a near-guaranteed good buy, I think I'll scratch Garrards and LP12s off the list... I just can't be arsed. 