Hi this is just a breif note to thank pete for coming over yesterday we got some interetsing jobs done... 1) pete did some mods to my recently acquired valve amp.....namely taking the volume pot out. 2) as discussed esle where we had a play with the lathe, producing some support cones. We replaced my solid cones with ones drilled to take ball bearing. Similar ones were placed under the cdp. 3) he showed me how to correct the bias on the valve amp. 4) We tried some different cable to replace the naim nac5 I am using. 5) We disconnected the entech dac, leaving the dac in my A5z to do the work. 6) pete brought me a spare rack to try......though i haven't rigged it up yet! cheers pete. 7) we tried petes best(?) cables (rhodium pete?)....very nice! .......very smooth! .....give them a listen! ;) Having let it warm for an hour today.....the results are impressive.... ....much deeper soundstage (also observed when the volume pot was removed), greater dynamics (higher highs/lower lows....volumes),.. ..Iwas almost getting almost a 3 D effect earlier....soemthing has worked here!! unfortunaely all good things come to an end ...back into work tomorrow!! :)