Van Damme ICs

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by rockhopper, Dec 12, 2005.

  1. rockhopper


    Aug 5, 2005
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    Hi, can anyone please give their opinion on Van Damme ICs? I am after a good quality IC but low cost. There is a company on eBay doing them for a tenner. Not sure what they retail at but it seems a good buy to me. Includes delivery too :eek:

    Dont mind spending a bit more if you can recommend anything else around the price.

    I've done a bit of googling but cant seem to find much info on them.

    I am using the leads for connecting my DAC > stereo amp. It is midrange gear, so I dont need to go for high end cables.

    Any help please? Cheers.
    rockhopper, Dec 12, 2005
  2. rockhopper


    Jun 20, 2003
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    If your intrested in trying a set of my silver IC cables drop me a pm. Even on mid range gear the difference is clear, the real question is do you like what they do. Take a look in the review section to see peoples thoughts.

    As to the Van damm's they are a no frills cable that will give you the typical copper sound, full overblown bass, round rosy mids etc. For a tenner your not going to get the best RCA plugs, you should get a cable thats better than the freebie but a great leap forward IMO!
    zanash, Dec 12, 2005
  3. rockhopper


    Jun 20, 2003
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    Are they A1 sound's ? if so ....

    They are bog a standard IC's with a neoprene like jacket, they should be better than the freebie type cables, the plugs are a standard maplin type. In fact you should be able to make a set the same as these for a fiver. Not certain they represent great value, but if your uncritcal in your listening they should do the job.
    zanash, Dec 12, 2005
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