Well my amp has been serviced by Tony (we're not worthy) and I'm pretty excited. Bit skint however, and need to raise the pennies to pay the man, so some old friends are up for sale. [B]Sennheiser HD650[/B]. 10 Months old, with box, instructions, and probably receipt. Immaculate condition, with around 50 hours use max! SSSP £300 - Delivered for £145? [B]Rega Ear[/B] Headphone Amplifier. Black, excellent condition. Again, boxed with instructions and limited usage. Delivered to your door for 90 of your Sterling pounds. [B]Atlas Voyager[/B], as in other thread: 1m rca pair, Black, mint, boxed, SSSP £109.99 - Yours for less than half that - make an offer. [B]Isotek Premium[/B] Mains Lead, boxed, 1.5m SSSP£ can't remember - 25 squiddily-diddly? Cambridge Audio M1 touch screen learning remote. Program you other remotes into this sleek LCD device. £20. Boxed and mint with instructions. [B][COLOR="Red"]SOLD[/COLOR][/B] Open to offers on all, or £280ish for the lot.