Vatican drive to curb gay marriage

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by michaelab, Jul 31, 2003.

  1. michaelab

    michaelab desafinado

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Lisbon, Portugal

    Why doesn't the Vatican just mind it's own business? :inferno:

    What countries (esp. non-Catholic ones) try to do to rectify human rights inequalities for gays is none of their business and they should not be interfering IMO.

    At a time of ever increasing scandals of peadophile catholic priests buggering young boys this latest move is highly hypocritical, esp. since they're doing very little to address the problem and even covering up for peadophile priests. The Catholic church could do well do wonder what their absurd and out of date celibacy laws are doing to the priests who have to follow them.

    When relgious bodies try to dictate to people outside of their religion it makes me furious :bub:

    michaelab, Jul 31, 2003
  2. michaelab

    domfjbrown live & breathe psy-trance

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Exeter (not quite Cornwall!)
    My family are all Catholic - and I find that religion to be far more fanatical in essence than a lot of the more "extreme" ones out there - I mean, they try to force the Bible's teaching on everyone whether they like it or not.

    Like you say, if it's good enough for Catholic priests to be buggering their young male congregations - how the HELL do they have the right to prevent non-Catholic gays having marriages?

    Is it any wander the Catholic church in the UK is in decline?

    And who in their right mind takes the Bible as gospel (pun intended) anyway - let's face it - the whole thing contradicts itself and they've already proven the Turin Shroud is a fake.

    IF (and this is a very BIG IF!) the collection of writers otherwise known as Luke Mark Matthew and John (I think - been a while!) were not the JK Rowlings of their time (bloody lucritive royalties if they were!) and the whole JC thing actually happened, then maybe the second coming's already been and gone - wasn't it Carter who sang "Like many a fruitcake before him/he claimed to be the son of god/but then like many a fruitcake before him/maybe he really was"?

    Off topic, kind of, but onn second comings, I've just heard Stone Roses' "Second coming" - not a patch on the first album - has its moments but just washed over me and didn't sink in. It took me until a month or so ago to hear the first Stone Roses album though, so ;)
    domfjbrown, Jul 31, 2003
  3. michaelab

    I-S Good Evening.... Infidel

    Jun 25, 2003
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    In a world of pain
    For the fanatical god botherers out there, perhaps they could answer the question as to why god made some people gay? It's as simple as that, and for a church that is supposed to promote "tolerance" and "love thy neighbour", they seem very judgemental. Doesn't it say somewhere not to judge others?:grrr: :grrr: :inferno: :chainsaw: :chop: :gatling: :devil:
    I-S, Jul 31, 2003
  4. michaelab

    Dev Moderator

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Ilford, Essex, UK
    To be fair guys, it's not just Catholic religion that's against homosexuality. I suspect most, if not all would oppose it for obvious reasons.
    Dev, Jul 31, 2003
  5. michaelab

    Hex Spurt

    Jun 24, 2003
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    Tips for Rulers and Leaders:-

    "Whenever things are going badly at home, wage war on someone else to divert the publics attention."

    Wouldn't the Catholic Church be better occupied doing more to help the millions born into a life of poverty as a consequence of its teachings on the evils of contraception?
    Hex Spurt, Jul 31, 2003
  6. michaelab

    michaelab desafinado

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Lisbon, Portugal
    Sure - but not even the Ayatollah goes around telling other countries to adopt Sharia law or whatever they think is "morally correct".

    I don't really care what misguided or bigoted views a religion holds if it keeps them to itself and its followers but they shouldn't go around telling the rest of us what to do.

    michaelab, Jul 31, 2003
  7. michaelab

    julian2002 Muper Soderator

    Jun 19, 2003
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    don't forget, all publicity is good publicity.

    the catholic church is a dinosaur, if you want to see how daft a religeon it is watch kevin smiths dogma.

    personally i prefer the wiccan ethos... do as you will but let it harm none... says it all really.


    julian2002, Jul 31, 2003
  8. michaelab

    domfjbrown live & breathe psy-trance

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Exeter (not quite Cornwall!)
    BLOODY HELL Hex - should have remembered this one since my bro has four (great - and for me to say that that's pretty good!) kids but he and his wife can't afford them. Well, haven't they either a) heard of the rhythm method and b) abstinence - they're always whinging about being skint. Simple solution - if you can't afford them, don't have sex, or grow and and use a johnny and give the rules the middle finger. Of course, in Jesus' day life was cheap(er)... If he ever existed of course.

    My mate (who's parents make my mum look like a VERY amateur catholic (her brother's a Franciscan monk, to give you guys an idea!!!) had this t-shirt with the Pepsi logo - but instead of "Pepsi" it had "Jesus", and underneath that - "The choice of the last generation". AND he had the balls to wear it AND be photo'd/videod with it - I bet his mum didn't appreciate that one. We liked it though.

    One more thing (sorry couldn't resist this one!):
    Sharia don't like it
    Rock the Casbah rock the Casbah!
    domfjbrown, Aug 1, 2003
  9. michaelab

    michaelab desafinado

    Jun 19, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Lisbon, Portugal
    Dom - I don't think there's any doubt that Jesus is a genuine historical figure who did exist, just like the Islamic prohpet Mohammed. In fact, Jesus is mentioned in Islamic literature aswell (and of course Jewish literature, he was a Jew afterall).

    What's so ironic about all the religous wars that are being fought now and in the past is that the 3 biggie religions (Christianity, Islam and Judaisim) stem from incredibly similar backgrounds and have very similar beliefs. There is some evidence that they were all the same religion at some point in the past.

    btw those Clash lyrics - is that how they really are? Never realised what that song was about :shame: TBH, never listened to the lyrics properly.

    michaelab, Aug 1, 2003
  10. michaelab

    julian2002 Muper Soderator

    Jun 19, 2003
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    don;t forget it's what makes catholicism the fastest growing religion in the world... every sperm is sacred... every sperm is great... if a sperm is wasted.. god gets quite irate.

    what a lovely logical statement to apply to perhaps the most illogical thing that exists today... agree with you 100% though i think irony is a little tame. outright brain fried idiocy comes closer to the mark imo. all of these religions have a variant of 'love thy neighbor' and none have 'strap high explosives to thineself and blow thy neighbor to bits' or 'bulldoze thy neighbor to oblivion' or even 'persecute thy neighbor by denying him human rights' yet it still happens.


    julian2002, Aug 1, 2003
  11. michaelab

    domfjbrown live & breathe psy-trance

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Exeter (not quite Cornwall!)
    The MOST IRONIC one of the lot - Catholic/Protestant people worship the SAME DAMN GOD! It's only the managerial structure up to "Him" they disagree on.

    Darwinian survival of the fittest - if they kill each other his faith following gets smaller...

    As for "Every sperm is sacred" - God must be WELL peed off with me then :)

    Finally - about Dogma - is it me or does Alannis look like a total babe as God!?
    domfjbrown, Aug 1, 2003
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