Vinyl Advice

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by penance, Jul 10, 2003.

  1. penance

    penance Arrogant Cock

    Jun 30, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Bristol - armpit of the west.
    currently i have a lin Basik/akito/dynavector 10X4

    probably next year i will be upgrading the TT, My question is - is the arm worth keeping hold of when i upgrade the TT.
    Reason i ask is that if its worth keeping i may get it re-wired, obviously if its not worth keeping the arm then no rewire
    penance, Jul 10, 2003
  2. penance


    Jun 20, 2003
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    A lot depends on which direction you'll be heading in the TT stakes. New or Secondhand Linn or something else.

    The 10X4 if its as good as the 10X I used to have and as sweet as the Ruby must be worth keeping.

    The arms a bit of problem not rally bad and not really good if you understand me. You canpick up high end arms s/h for reasonable amounts, so rewiring is going to be costly and probabley not elevate the arm's performance to a great extent. You'll get more of what you all ready have.
    zanash, Jul 10, 2003
  3. penance

    penance Arrogant Cock

    Jun 30, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Bristol - armpit of the west.
    Ill probably keep the Dynavector then but get an arm with the deck
    probably be looking at new ~£1000 - 1200
    penance, Jul 10, 2003
  4. penance


    Jun 19, 2003
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    Devon, UK
    Hi penance,

    I'd also go along with what zanash has said.

    If your Dynavector is in good condition, then I'd keep hold of it and use it with your next intended turntable purchase as it's a good capable cartridge. :)

    The Akito arm is a reasonable get you started type arm. Its gets the job done and is sufficient, but no more. Not likely to set the world on fire.

    So, yes, depending on which direction you wish to go in now... If you'd like more of what you already have and want a more grown up Linn, then of course getting an LP12 base unit is the obvious choice. If you go for an LP12 keep hold the Akito. Ideally, you'd want to being looking at an Ekos go to with your LP12 eventually, but to start of with go with the AKito and invest in a decent motor power supply.

    The old stalwart suggestions for alternatives to Linn are Rega and Michell at your given budget. These two turntable would work better with Rega's own RB300 arm. Also look at alternative arms from Origin Live too, or if you are willing to go second hand try and search out arms from Helius, Zeta and more afforadable SMEs such as the 3009.

    There's currently a Michell Gyro with Orbe platter on Ebay with 9 days to go. Which might be worth looking at if this is the direction you might to go in. But with 9 days to go, who knows what the final auction price will be. Was £2 last I looked!

    What are you trying to achieve with this upgrade?
    HenryT, Jul 11, 2003
  5. penance

    penance Arrogant Cock

    Jun 30, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Bristol - armpit of the west.
    wont be bidding on ebay yet, not ready to buy untill next year

    hopeing to get a nicer vinyl sound, since upgrading the cdp to a jupiter2 the poor old basik is showing its age.
    not biased towards the lin sound so a michell/rega will deffinately be on the audition list
    penance, Jul 11, 2003
  6. penance

    domfjbrown live & breathe psy-trance

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Exeter (not quite Cornwall!)
    Well, that basic Gyr-orbe misfit is up to £565 with 6 days to go - any more than that is silly money IMHO - I don't reckon a turntable is worth any more than half new price I'm afraid - and that deck doesn't even have an armboard or arm included...

    Mind you, if NOW 4 on CD can go for £435 on Ebay than maybe people out there definitely have more money than sense - the housing market would bear this one out too!!! :)
    domfjbrown, Jul 14, 2003
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