I know this is not HIFI but I thought more people will read it here. I woke up this morning and recieved 8 new emails, 3 of which where viruses containing EXE files. One of them was titled Microsoft System Security Update, it also had a couple of text attachments and an EXE file called Q8555.exe. The sender was [email]mgxryhogwk_yvrfbe@newsletters.net[/email]. I also got another which pretended to be an undelivered mail, this also contained an attachment. I know this has been said 10000 times before but people are still coming to me asking for help when they get viruses so please make sure you do the following: 1) Make sure you do not download attachments from unkown sources, if the files end in .pif, .exe, .com, and .scr they are most likely be to viruses. 2) Make sure you use a good firewall, (zone alarm is ok) otherwise you are prime target for viruses such as MSBLAST 3)Make sure you have an up todate virus checker and update it regulary. 4) If you are using Windows XP then make you download the updates as often as possable. (you can always revert the changes if it does somthing nasty) Finally I bought a router yesterday so my PC is no longer the central server in the house, my router is now the gateway to the intenret and it also has a built in firewall, these are very good for avoiding viruses, they work much better for internet sharing than a proxy server does. Sorry if this is obvious for most of you, I will be posting this message on other forums as well.