Von Schweikert VR-1

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by Jimbo, Feb 5, 2006.

  1. Jimbo


    Nov 1, 2005
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    Hi anybody had or have these. Whats your thoughts on performance. How would they stand up to my Epos Es11s. Obviously more expensive but would it be worth upgrading. Thanks.
    Jimbo, Feb 5, 2006
  2. Jimbo


    Dec 22, 2004
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    Well, as some on here are well aware, I not only own a pair but was the former UK distributor for Von Schweikert so have a heavy bias towards their products (have been a long time customer previous to being a business partner with them).

    Due to my poor health I had to close my audio distribution business early so bringing new products like Von Schweikert to the UK market stopped. I did arrange for Keith Howard at Hi-Fi News to conduct a full technical review of the VR-1, I still have a few copies of the mag available if you are interested?

    I will be the first to put my hand up and say that there will never be a product that does all things for all people, this audio game will always be driven by technology and personal taste, but for me, all the VSA speakers do a great deal right.

    Sure, there are also some other fantastic products out there too, but for me I have yet to hear anything that offers such scale, soundstage and sheer musical enjoyment for the money like VSA do.

    One word of warning though, the VSA stands for the VR-1 are shockingly bad! When I was their distributor I spent some time at the factory in San Diego and told Albert Von Schweikert that we would not be carrying these for the UK market as they were just too expensive and poor performing. My own VR-1's are on custom built iF Stands as built by Roger Stone of iF Designs (who are sadly no more as a company).

    Other stands to have a serious look at are Something Solid as Mark Orr lives not too far from me and I had him build some custom stands specifically for the VR-1 in the early days of distribution, so he has the template.

    I will also add that I found a few (and this was only a very small number), of people here in the UK with very negative opinions on VSA speakers, which amazed me because while VSA did have some very limited exposure in previous model ranges here, it was such poorly managed introduction that these opinions were not actually based upon any facts let alone defined use of the product. So be careful, the web is full of the 'keyboard warrior' types!!

    I can give you whatever info you need but the UK agent for VSA is based in London. His name is Simon Phipps and he runs a business called Audioplay which is a 'by appointment' type operation.

    If you need anymore info. don't hesitate to ask, but to conclude, the simple answer to your question is; do whatever you can to hear these speakers,...the Epos don't stand a chance!!
    ListeningEar, Feb 5, 2006
  3. Jimbo

    badchamp Thermionic Member

    Jun 19, 2003
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    NW London
    I suppose I have to reply to this one :D as I also have a pair of VR-1 :) on IF Tallis stands (as LE's post above). They replaced (consequent to a house move) a pair of Audio Physic Spark II floorstanders which I haven't missed for a moment.

    They image well, are very sweet, very natural and have good bass for their size. My room is quite small (13' by 12') and they work well in it.

    I am very happy with the Von Schweikerts. I'm in NW London if you're near and would like to listen to a pair in situ as it were, pm me

    badchamp, Feb 6, 2006
  4. Jimbo


    Nov 1, 2005
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    Thanks for your comments Listeningear and Jeff. I have heard one comment that they dont do prat and have a muddy bass but perhaps they were on those rubbish stands. How much do they retail over here,the price in US is about $1000. Thanks for the invite I am in Nottingham so a bit too far. I wish their was more Hi Fi people in the Midlands with these offers. thanks again Jim.
    Jimbo, Feb 6, 2006
  5. Jimbo


    Dec 22, 2004
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    ...as I said, I know for a fact that there are very few people here in the UK that have 'real life' experience with most of the new VSA speakers. As for the VR-1 not doing prat and having muddy bass, it could not be further from the truth. Stands could have been an issue but most likely it was other problems in the system, if it was even a factual report!

    I did a demo in Bristol once with a prospective customer, his room had to be one of the worst rooms I'v ever come across and his system components were a very poor match. He had spent probably the best part of 15 years or more listening to Tannoy near-field monitors almost in his face sitting in his listening position.

    This was the only demo I ever did where I agreed the VR-1's sounded crap. But after the demo, even the customer agreed that the problem was with the room and component issues rather than the speakers, not to mention his disorientation at a speaker now trying to cast a wide soundstage as opposed to what he was used to hearing.

    Every dealer I took these speakers to (5 in the first six-months) took on the VR-1 as their reference stand-mount monitor, and these were dealers with existing well-knonw and respected brands. They were all blown away with bass and how clean and accurate it was and the beautiful mid-range these speakers posses. The magical thing about the VR-1 is the cross-over design, something quite different and special for a speaker of this type.

    If I were up to loading the speakers and stands and the journey I would bring them up for an audition, I'm in North Buckinghamshire so it's not that far but my health is bad and I am just not well enough to do it.

    What electronics/source(s) are you using?

    Original UK retail was round about the £879 mark per pair, but I hear that VSA in the USA have recently increased the retail price to $1100 per pair over there so I can only assume that the UK retail price has increased too.

    The iF stands I have would cost at least £550 per pair, Roger Stone told me that he spent alot of time on my particular ones and had lost count of the build costs. Sounds expensive but the VR-1's on the iF's would outperform many floorstanders at the £1500+ mark,...of course room factors and equipment play a big part.

    Flip,...I sound like a damn VSA salesman!!! Sorry, just got alot of time for these, hope you can get to hear some. Call Simon Phipps at Audioplay in London, he has a business partner in Oxfordshire I believe so they may come up to you.
    ListeningEar, Feb 7, 2006
  6. Jimbo

    badchamp Thermionic Member

    Jun 19, 2003
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    NW London
    Just out of curiosity what made you interested in the VR-1 ?

    VR-1 are very lively and they certainly don't have a muddy base. I wouldn't be put off by the "one comment".

    Another user - Saab, also has the VR-1 because IIRC he needed "faster bass". He is very happy with them as far as I know.

    Funnily enough, we all have the IF designs Tallis stands which are not cheap Roger of IF arranged for mine to be stained up to match the African Hazelwood finish as far as possible. Lovely piece of furniture - real workmanship. A shame that Roger couldn't keep it going.

    I'd certainly try and arrange a demo
    badchamp, Feb 7, 2006
  7. Jimbo


    Jan 25, 2004
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    I'm in Wakefield,just of J39 M1,you are welcome to a listen if you can get up during the week on my day off,evenings out because we are still doing the house up.I have no curtains up so bear that in mind:)

    I went for these on Jeffs rec because he had some Audio Physic Sparks before me which I loved,they were fast and silky,and the bass was tight,a combination I was sad to see go,but the new lounge did isn't the right shape.

    I tested many standmounts and took a punt on some VR-1s owned by a guy who made Tallis stands,sadly he doesn't make them anymore,but they really are very good.

    The VR-1s will never be sold,they suit me perfectly.I use them with Sugden amp and CDP A21 and Cd-21

    pm me if you want a listen

    ps my stands are the same as in jeffs pic,just spotted that
    Saab, Feb 7, 2006
  8. Jimbo


    Dec 22, 2004
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    While we are submitting photo's, these are mine on the fully prepared iF stands:

    ListeningEar, Feb 7, 2006
  9. Jimbo


    Jan 25, 2004
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    Have you got the little o rings on the metal uprights Mr Ear? In not,yours aren't fully prepared:p Apparently Roger felt they altered the sound so he moved them up and down until he was happy:eek:
    Saab, Feb 7, 2006
  10. Jimbo


    Dec 22, 2004
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    HEHEHE,...yes, got the o-rings!
    ListeningEar, Feb 7, 2006
  11. Jimbo


    Nov 1, 2005
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    You really like them listeningear dont you eh. Just seen some on Ebay so may not have time for a dem.


    Asked seller some questions and they are 9 months old and bought from Audio Atmosphere. What maximum bid do you think. Also stands sold separately. Are the stands ok and what bid do you think. Hi Jeff somebody mentioned them on P.Fish so I did a search and was impressed with the reviews. Thanks for the offer Dave but unfortunately I'm at work all week. If they are better than my little Epos's then it's worth a gamble as they do give me plenty of pleasure. Jim.
    Jimbo, Feb 7, 2006
  12. Jimbo


    Nov 1, 2005
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    My gear Listeningear is Rotel 965bx discrete with Tentlabs clock and power supply upgrade, Nait 3. My room is only 12 ft x 12ft approx. so the VR1 would be well suited. Jim.
    Jimbo, Feb 7, 2006
  13. Jimbo


    Jan 25, 2004
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    They are designed for near wall use,mine are inches away,and they are also designed for off'axis listening,although their marketing blurb about global world domination things does send a few audiphiles into fits.But they work,I don't need to measure a listening position in millimetres,they just sound good anywhere.
    Saab, Feb 7, 2006
  14. Jimbo


    Jan 25, 2004
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    Spooky,they are on Tallis stands as well.As a combo they will be a bargain,those stands were 450 quid new.
    Saab, Feb 7, 2006
  15. Jimbo


    Jan 25, 2004
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    Saab, Feb 7, 2006
  16. Jimbo


    Jan 25, 2004
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    They retailed at 1200 and were worth every penny.I paid 700 for mine.Try and get them for 400 and the stands for 100,still a bargain,but its a start.
    Saab, Feb 7, 2006
  17. Jimbo


    Dec 22, 2004
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    The stands would be an excellent deal if they remain at a low price, even though the seller has been using these for the VR-1's those actual stands fit the design of the Rogers speakers,...just so you are fully aware.

    This means the tweeter will be slightly lower than recommended for the VR-1 (shorter column) and the top-plate will be a smaller template for the Rogers design. The base-plate is also the thinner and smaller foot-print design, this was in effect prior to the final VR-1 stand being released by Roger (which I am sorry to report guys, I do have the only pair of RSS stands truly designed for the VR-1).

    They will still work better than most other stands on the market and I have sold a pair similar for Roger to a previous customer with very satisfying results.

    Audio Atmosphere was one of my dealers that I signed up, Stuart runs a very nice home-based audio salon (well he did at the time), he purchased two pairs of African Hazelwood and one pair of dark cherry for stock so the set on ebay should be serial numbers: 0501L/0502R (might be good just to check that they are official UK market speakers). You do also know that VSA offer the transfer of any remaining warranty too ;)

    I agree with Saab, if you can get the speakers for anything up to £400 you have a true bargain on your hands, anymore then you might want to consider buying a s/h pair through Audiogon.com and having them shipped over here (I can advise you on doing this, it's not a minefield like some people think).
    ListeningEar, Feb 7, 2006
  18. Jimbo


    Jan 25, 2004
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    Mr Ear

    I am sorry to say you don' have the only pair,I have the other pair,they were Rogers own with the updated base plate:)
    Saab, Feb 8, 2006
  19. Jimbo


    Dec 22, 2004
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    I know about Roger's stands Saab ;) As I also know exactly what speakers he had too...

    If we compared I am sure you would spot the differences, but hey, this is not a bragging competition, at least we own iF stands.
    ListeningEar, Feb 8, 2006
  20. Jimbo

    badchamp Thermionic Member

    Jun 19, 2003
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    NW London
    Dave, yeah I noticed that.

    Jimbo I'd jump at the chance TBH. The Epos will be totally outclassed. Also they'll stand you in good stead for future upgrades as well. You'll change a lot of kit before you change the VR-1 I suspect.

    Hey much more of this we'll have to have a VR-1/ Tallis user group section.

    Watch out the Meadowlark mafia:D

    ps LE, I got mine from Stuart, he sent em down to Keith at Angelsound in Garston and I picked them up from him. I got my MF passive from him as well come to think of it.

    badchamp, Feb 8, 2006
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