We dont all hear equal

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by melorib, Jul 6, 2007.

  1. melorib

    melorib Lowrider

    Jun 29, 2006
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    Riga, Latvia
    Babel translation from Portuguese, (I reviewed it a bit)... :rolleyes:


    I HEAR, What YOU DO NOT HEAR....

    Jorge Knirsch



    Why good systems of audio, that present only small measurable differences in the eletro-eletronics parameters, have been subjectively evaluated for the great public seeming so controversial? Why the sound has been evaluated with so different opinions even antagonistic? Why the quarrel around the correct sound excites the spirits in such a way and provokes strikes so heated? What factors take them to decide if a sound pleases them or not? It will be that what we like must is a custom or a habit?

    Through the international, research there have been advances in such a way in the part of sound evaluation of equipment and systems, as also in the area of the perception human being of the hearing. These two fields of science, even so very distinct, are intimately correlated as we will see in this article and the next ones.

    Reading some international magazines of this subject, I have collated with different research and new features that I intend to present in this article. We will speak a little of these new knowledge, looking to contribute with our Brazilian, immobilized market for its economic situation and each more restricted time to a lesser group of audiophiles and music lovers.

    Starting history backwards, in 1863, was published the book "the Sensations of the Tones in Psychological Base for the Musical Theory" of Herman Ludwig Ferdinand Von Helmholtz (1821 the 1894), physicist and German mathematician, been born in Potsdam, that presented a study on the differences of the human perception being with relation to the sounds and the musical tones. Through this study, the author raised the hypothesis of the probable existence of two great groups of listeners: synthetic and the analytical ones.

    At the time, these ranks of Helmholtz had not raised much quarrel, face to the some acoustic devices that were being presented in this same work, as the absorber celebrity that takes its name today, great novelty at the time. But, from the passed century, some universities had started to deepen the studies on the human being perception of sounds, initiated for Helmholtz

    In the bilges of the Department of Neurology of the University of Heidelberg, Germany, the Dr. Peter Schneider, of the Section of Biomagnetism managed to show, with scientists of the Universities of Liverpool and Southampton, in England, through diverse auditory and physical medical experiments, that really the human beings listen of different form the same sounds and tones. Today is proven the fact of the human being auditory perception to be extremely differentiated for each individual.

    These new knowledge are leading to a revision of the concepts of sonorous electronic equipment evaluation that we go to display in another chance.

    © 2004-2007 Jorge Bruno Fritz Knirsch
    All the all rights reserved

    Synthetic and the Analytical ones

    The research of the Dr. Peter Schneider had come to confirm the suspicion of the German scientist Herman Von Helmholtz, more than a century behind, that it really has two great human groups regarding auditory perception. It assigned them as the listeners of basic and the listeners of the harmonic tones. In this article, to simplify, we go to call two groups as Helmholtz originally defined them in its famous book, or either, the group of the synthetic listeners, who synthecize the sound around its basic one and of the analytical listeners, who if guide around harmonics of the sound.

    As the research had shown, none of these two great groups hears better or worse, one in relation to the other. The form was evidenced that to also hear does not depend on the sex, race, profession, age or personal musicalidade. One only uncovered that these two groups simply hear of different form one of the other, as we will see ahead.

    All sound is constituted by basic and its harmonic ones, where the harmonic ones are sine waves in multiple frequencies of the frequency of the basic sine wave.



    The group of the synthetic ones hears and guides more for the basic frequencies of the sounds, while that the analytical ones hear and they guide more for the harmonic ones.

    It was given credit, when a sound was emitted without its basic tone (for example, the reproduction of a serious sound in a speaker), the human being hearing would have the capacity to reconstitute, during the proper hearing, this basic missing, of this sound, to listen to the specter entire of the related sound. However, the new tests had demonstrated that only the synthetic listeners have this capacity to reconstitute the basic tone of a sound. The analytical ones, as they base their hearing in the harmonic ones, do not reconstitute the basic tone.

    A scale exists to classify the individuals of each group. For synthetic the a scale it goes of 0 up to -1, being that the "synthetic -1" is the ones that more are oriented for the basic one. For analytical, the scale it goes of 0 the +1, being that the "analytical +1" is the ones that more are oriented for the harmonics of superior order. Therefore, synthetic and analytical if they find only in 0. It is important to emphasize that each person if points out in some position in this scale of -1 the +1, In my case, for example, I am synthetic -0,2. The people, in different positions in the scale, not necessarily hear better or worse, ones in relation to the others, but simply each one hears in a specific, different way. The musical perception can very be differentiated. For example, ther is people that can hear the same sounds until the one height of four eighth a in relation to that the others hear!

    The graph below presents the distribution of the people, in the -1 scale the +1, that the university of Heidelberg has raised. Curiously, it indicates that the majority of the people is intent in the extremities. Or either, great part of the synthetic ones is between -1 and -0,5 and great part of the analytical ones between +0,5 and +1. This fact already explains, in part, because we differ in such a way in the musical perception of the sounds, since the biggest concentration of the people is in the extremities of the scale.


    These facts have taken the new very interesting discoveries for the sonorous equipment evaluation in the international media. Initially, tests of hearing in the reviewrs of critical hearing (RAC) of equipment of the specialized foreign magazines had been carried through and if it evidenced that the best reviewers are the ones that if find between -0,4>RAC>+0,4, or either, they are the synthetic and analytical people who are situated more close to the center. This finding made the audio international media feel the necessity to carry through auditory tests the candidates to reviewers of critical hearing. And from the results is that it has made the choice of the auditorily more appropriate people for RAC, to be part of the publishing body of its magazines.

    But the discoveries do not stop here! The University of Heidelberg, carried through examinations of nuclear espintomography of the human brain, to show the anatomy of the right and left cortex where the musical perception occurs. Also magnetoencefalography examinations had been carried through to determine electric chains in the right and left cortex in the brain. The results are surprising. They show that the cinereous mass of the left cortex, in the synthetic listeners, is bigger of the one than of the right side, while that the analytical listeners more possess the developed right side. The electric chain also is bigger of the left side in synthetic, in the analytical ones, is bigger of the right side. Also, in professional musicians (where the total cinereous mass of the cortex is bigger of the one than in not the musicians), the ratios of the left and right side are similar for not musicians, synthetic and analytical.

    The cortex of the left side, more developed in the synthetic ones, is very sensible the fast impulses of sound, mainly those that do not exceed 50ms of duration. Ritmic sounds are a preference of the synthetic ones, while that longer pulses are a preference of the analytical ones, whose right cortex more is developed, as we saw. Therefore, longer sounds, melodic are better perceived by the analytical ones. We can not forget that the height of the sounds can vary, being around the basic one for synthetic, and for the analytical ones, being able to go until fourth eighth of harmonic above of the basic one.

    These differences are marked and also explain the distinct preference of musical instruments between the two great groups. While the synthetic ones give preference the instruments of percussion, guitar, piano, and instruments of high blow as trompete and transversal flute, the analytical ones give preference to the instruments of ropes, as the violas, to the serious instruments of blow, and to singing. Exactly in the way to play instruments, differences between analytical and the synthetic ones had been perceived. While the synthetic ones value the rhythm of music, the analytical ones value the musical melody.

    It is interesting to notice that, there is a division of preferences of instruments between the two groups, we can also identify its position for the localization of the instruments inside of a modern orchestra. Thus, of the left side of the orchestra they are normally the instruments of the synthetic ones, as for example, the instruments of percussion, the piano, the high violins. Curious what the research had also shown, that the majority of the teachers belongs to the group of the synthetic ones. Of the right side, the side of the analytical ones, is instruments as the low violin, the viola, violoncelo, the contrabass, tuba, saxofone, the flute, the bassoon, oboé, and also the chorale. Thus, it is not odd that the main differences are in the band of frequencies that go until 1.500Hz. (the bass goes until 160Hz and the medium until 1.300Hz)

    And the discoveries still do not stop here. There is more!

    Research showed, between the two groups, how much to the preference of equipment marks of electronic reproduction of music, as speakers, record player, CD-Players, integrated, receivers, amplifiers in general way and arrived the surprising results. It exists, for incredible that it seems, a biunivocal correlation between marks and types of synthetic and analytical audio equipment and the punctuation. Thus, for example, a speaker of a certain mark is preference of the synthetic ones that they had gotten a punctuation in the scale around -0,5. Having deepened the research, was verified that the designers of these same speakers, of that determined specific mark, also belong to the same group, or either, to the group of -0.5, synthetic listeners Another example, was verified that one integrated of a certain mark, preferred for analytical the +0,7, was projected by people also pertaining to the same group of listeners that contains the group consumer (+0,7). There exist, therefore, marks of synthetic and analytical devices for all the bands of listeners and all the graduations.

    These discoveries will bring great changes in the marketing and the design of equipment of audio, whose extension still not able to visualize today.


    We present the last discoveries in the field of the musical perception human being, where we find synthetic and analytical listeners. They are two great groups, that hear simply of different form, independent of the age, sex, color, etc. We show that, according to statistical surveys, the majority of the synthetic ones and the analytical ones are in the extremities of a scale, for still today unknown reasons. We said that a correlation was evidenced between the instruments chosen for the musicians and the group the one that they belong as listeners. Also, it was interesting to notice that the division of the cerebral cortex, in analytical and the synthetic ones, corresponds with the division and rank of the instruments in a modern orchestra.

    We have ahead new concepts of hearing that let us foresee significant changes to our area. With certainty they will influence the design of the devices and also the marketing of the companies of audio. On the other hand, the research has not stopped here, it continues intensely. It is probable that our musical trends already are preprogrammed geneticaly and studies in this direction are in course.

    Today we can carry through tests and verify if we are synthetic or analytical. From there, already we can indicate which the equipment marks of audio that they correspond to the preference of each one of us, or either, which ones we will find more pleasing. This, without a doubt, has simplified the choice and the purchase of the devices, becoming more objective. The assembly of a system of audio with this process is very facilitated. I ask: what type of listener you are?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2007
    melorib, Jul 6, 2007
  2. melorib


    Jun 19, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Deleted by wolfie.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2007
    wolfgang, Jul 6, 2007
  3. melorib

    melorib Lowrider

    Jun 29, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Riga, Latvia
    Who's talking about cables ? If you have nothing to say about the topic's subject, please leave it alone...
    melorib, Jul 6, 2007
  4. melorib

    Effem Cable manufacturer

    Jan 27, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Sunny Cornwall
    There's a sort of inference from Wolfgang's post that someone who is within a dubious part of the industry has no right to comment about a part of the hi-fi hobby that he has a "vested interest" in. There is already a link within the original posting that points to the originator of the article, so Wolfie's post achieved nothing beyond an opportunity to have a gratuitous sideswipe at the author, allegedly a magic cables peddler.

    I don't know if there is any real substance in the article, but it sets the mind thinking to how some folks can hear often minute subtle differences between components, while the person next to them can say "Differences in sound? What differences?" even though they could be accurately measured with the same hearing acuity. Arguably, a series of test tones is no true indicator of our human interpretations and perceptions regarding the complex dynamics of music.
    Effem, Jul 6, 2007
  5. melorib

    Bob McC living the life of Riley

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Sunny Cheshire
    You're not allowed to voice an opinion that it is bollocks on here. It offends the runes. Personally I don't understand the pseudo English gibberish that is the translation.
    Bob McC, Jul 6, 2007
  6. melorib

    Effem Cable manufacturer

    Jan 27, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Sunny Cornwall
    It might though explain why when I go to a hi-fi show and walk into a demonstration that is populated by many people with cheesy grins on their faces, nodding their heads and tapping their toes, while my immediate reaction on entering the room is to cover my ears because I can't stand the shrieking noise I'm hearing. Next time it happens I'll shout "Ahhh . . . Helmholtz!" out very loudly and leave them to it :D
    Effem, Jul 6, 2007
  7. melorib

    melorib Lowrider

    Jun 29, 2006
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    Riga, Latvia
    It is indeed a bad translation, as I mention in the beginning, but you could understand it, if you just tried to read it... ;)
    melorib, Jul 6, 2007
  8. melorib

    melorib Lowrider

    Jun 29, 2006
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    Riga, Latvia
    The point is not that some hear better or worst than others, but that we hear different, and it explains it quite reasonably, IMHO...
    melorib, Jul 6, 2007
  9. melorib

    johnfromnorwich Tannerd.

    Dec 8, 2005
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    Most of this comes from a paper published in Nature Neuroscience (2005) entitled "Stuctural and functional assymetries of lateral Heschl's gyrus reflect pitch perception preference". He's done other work looking at substrates of auditory perceptual biases in musicians vs. non-musicians too. It's solid, peer reviewed neuroscience by a diverse group of well respected researchers.

    = John
    johnfromnorwich, Jul 6, 2007
  10. melorib

    melorib Lowrider

    Jun 29, 2006
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    Riga, Latvia
    Very interesting response to the same post in Audi Asylum:

    melorib, Jul 6, 2007
  11. melorib

    johnfromnorwich Tannerd.

    Dec 8, 2005
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    There's various ways to interpret this - depending on your theoretical emphasis. One approach would be to extend the left/right assymmetry model employed in language. Left hemisphere specialised for rapid temporal streams and right biased for parallel representations of multiple, competing alternatives . Normally the left hemisphere 'yokes' the right during language production and comprehension (and this what fails in acquired dyslexias). It's also why right hemisphere strokes often lead to difficulties in comprehending metaphors. Spectral and virtual audition show the same assymetry (L = Virtual, R = Spectral). In fact, the left hemisphere seems to be optimised for ~25 - 50ms temporal resolution, corresponding neatly with the periodicity of lower (single) fundamental frequencies (the biases were strongest at lower frequencies too). This would suggest the right was computing the fundamental indirectly from the spectral information whilst the left got the same information directly from the input. Note also that the musicians in this study reported experiencing both percepts for an ambiguous tone so it was a only a relative advantage rather than one or the other.
    johnfromnorwich, Jul 6, 2007
  12. melorib


    Jun 21, 2003
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    The paper seems to withstand examination. I have no trouble accepting that people "hear things differently" be it a voice / instrument / band / orchestra ... BUT given that, a logical step seems to be that when they hear a reproduction of the voice / instrument / band / orchestra these same differences also apply. Therefore the differences in hearing will make not one jot of difference when judging the quality of reproduction - or have I missed something?
    Neil, Jul 7, 2007
  13. melorib

    melorib Lowrider

    Jun 29, 2006
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    Riga, Latvia
    What you missed from the essay, is that depending how we hear, we appretiate more or less each instrument/equipment...

    He says that if you are "synthetic" you will prefer equipment designed by engineers also synthetic, and viceversa...
    melorib, Jul 7, 2007
  14. melorib


    Jun 21, 2003
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    Are you saying that if "syntheticness" is engineered / enhanced into a system then there will be a preference for that system by those who are "synthetic" ie they will enjoy a system with "more of what they like" rather than accurate reproduction?
    Neil, Jul 7, 2007
  15. melorib

    melorib Lowrider

    Jun 29, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Riga, Latvia
    Not exactely, what he says is that if the designer "hears" the same way you do, you will like his equipment...
    melorib, Jul 7, 2007
  16. melorib

    tones compulsive cantater

    Jun 19, 2003
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    This sounds like the article from the German magazine Audio that I translated and put on WigWam last year. Here's the Wigwam post:

    With the January 2006 issue of the German magazine Audio, there came a test CD. This is part of its series of test CDs for testing your equipment (this one was the human voice). However, there was something else – a very unusual listening test. This was based on work done at Heidelberg University Clinic, and it shows that we have completely different ways of hearing things, and that this comes built in from birth. The world, it says, is divided into two types of hearer, “fundamental hearers†and “overtone hearersâ€Â. My translation of the article follows.

    The test consists of 12 pairs of tones, and you have to mark a form, to indicate whether you think the second of every pair is rising or falling. It is amazing to hear what you know is a rising tone be described by someone else as a falling tone.

    Over on ZG, I started the circulation of a Densen DeMagic drink coaster, er, allegedly demagnetising disc, and folk would test the disc, report in their results and then pass on the disc to the next person in the circulation list.


    Should there be enough interest, I am proposing to do the same thing with this disc. I'll also supply the instructions and forms on which you can record your results for sending to Audio. There is an on-line form on the Audio website


    and I would be happy to provide translations for anyone willing to try it. If they do, the results will probably come back in German, and they will take some time – I put mine in several months ago and am still waiting. However, we could put up our own results – and it would be interesting to see how differently people perceive things. So, anyone interested?

    Anyway, here's the article – as you will see, in spite of my attempts to tame it, German journalese is every bit as bad as its English equivalent:

    We shouldn't fight about taste? Day in, day out, millions of hi-fi fans demonstrate the opposite. The discussion about the right sound regularly results in heated emotions. For example, horn loudspeakers divide the audiophile community into two camps. One side says that horn speakers falsify the sound. The other side isn't bothered by this at all and enthuses about the precision and speed of the reproduction. The only thing they have in common is the uncomprehending head shaking of one about the other. But why is there such a splendid fight about audio qualities? How and why do we decide whether a sound does or doesn't please us? Is it habit? Accident? Or is there more behind it?

    Amazing hearing test

    In the basement of the Neurology Department of the Heidelberg University Clinic a big step nearer the answer has been taken. Deep under the Clinic itself, in order not to disturb the sensitive hospital equipment, Dr. Peter Schneider and his colleagues of the Biomagnetic section have only recently discovered something sensational. “People actually hear differentlyâ€Â, is the enthusiastic summary of physicist Schneider of his results. Together with researchers from Southampton and Liverpool, the researchers have found evidence that people perceive and process pitch quite differently – something that present expert opinion completely discounts.

    In another cellar room, in the AUDIO hearing room, the editorial staff sits with a very special hearing test. From the speakers are emitted sequentially short peeps and after each pair the hearers cross the appropriate square, indicating whether the following tone rises or falls. Eager scratching of pencils on the distributed questionnaire can be heard. After hardly a minute it's over. Distinct whispers run through the seat rows. Irritated glances at the neighbour's paper. How could the colleague have possibly crossed “descendingâ€Â? That tone sequence was clearly ascending! Peter Schneider collects the questionnaires in no way astonished over the different answers to his gearing test. “You have here in the editorial staff a mixture of fundamental and overtone hearers,†he explained, “you all hear the same tone, but you don't hear them all the same way. You don't hear better or worse, just quite simply differently.â€Â

    A suspicion…

    Fundamental hearers and overtone hearers, that's the new invisible border, which divides mankind into two camps. Independently of age, gender, profession and musicality, it defines how the brain perceives the pitch of sound. Each natural sound consists of a basic frequency, the fundamental, and the multiples of this frequency, the overtones. The number and strength of these overtones, the overtone spectrum, causes the character of voices, noises and instruments.

    In order to determine pitch, the brain looks for the fundamental in the mixture of frequencies. Even should this frequency be missing, because it wasn't transmitted by the loudspeaker, our hearing always produces the missing fundamental from the available overtones. At least, that's what was thought. Until now.

    The suspicion that tones are perceived very subjectively, was expressed as long ago as the 19th century by German scientist Hermann von Helmholtz. He differentiated so-called “synthetic hearing†by which the overtone groups were merged to a type of sound mass, from “analytical hearingâ€Â, by which the single tones were perceived consciously.

    Schneider and his colleagues wanted to put things on a firm basis and developed a special tone hearing test; the fundamental was removed from complex tones whose overtones represented whole number multiples of the fundamental. There was now played a sequence of tones that in fundamental frequency and number of harmonics (the whole number multiples) differed. Some people assessed the tone succession as descending, others as ascending. 334 professional musicians, 75 amateur musicians and 54 non-musicians were tested in this manner.

    …is confirmed

    With an amazing result. The test subjects were clearly split into two groups, fundamental hearers and overtone hearers. While the fundamental hearers, as previously expected, assembled the missing fundamental frequency from the available overtones and thus determined the pitch, the brain of the overtone hearers adapted the pitch from the available overtone spectrum. The chasm thus originating between the perceived pitches can be up to 4 octaves. Thus, when you hear the B above middle C played in a string concerto, the person sitting beside you may perceive the F two-and-a-half octaves higher. “It's as if the test subject saw a blue banana instead of a yellow one,†was how Peter Schneider explained the enormous difference. “And the statistical distribution indicates that there are more extreme fundamental hearers or overtone hearers than there are “centrist†hearers who find them in balance.†In other words, there are more people who see a blue banana rather than a yellow one – the results of the studies up to now show that the frequency of the extremes is slightly higher. It is therefore possible to imagine a world with many, many blue bananas, which should be yellow for everyone. Why should this be?

    It is exactly this question that is occupying the Heidelberg researchers. With the knowledge that the brain assembles the tones and therefore also the pitch in several different ways, the scientists detected an amazing connection. By means of magnetic resonance imaging, the brains of 87 test subjects were anatomically recorded, and while they were listening, their brain electrical impulses were measured using magnetoencephalography.

    The result is amazing. The people characterised as fundamental hearers were shown to have, in the lateral region of the Heschl Gyrus (a part of the hearing cortex), an appreciably greater volume of grey matter in the left side than in the right, the overtone hearers a correspondingly greater volume in the right. Furthermore, in the case of fundamental hearers, the left side of the Heschl Gyrus reacts more strongly and distinctively to sound than does the right side, and the other way round for the overtone hearers. In the case of professional musicians, the absolute volume of grey matter in the hearing cortex is much bigger, but the relative sizes of the grey matter in the left and right sides is that same as for non-musicians. This therefore means that, for every person, independent of age, musicality or gender, one side or the other side responds more strongly to music and tones. The other half certainly doesn't remain inactive during hearing, but from birth one of the sides dominates our perception of sounds. And this has consequences.

    Left the drummer, right the singer…

    “Many other studies have shown that the left and right sides of the hearing cortex have different functions,†explains Peter Schneider about the function separation in the brain's hearing centre. The left hand side is particularly sensitive to short, quick impulses, for all sounds that last no longer than 50 milliseconds. The right-hand side reacts sensitively to longer tones and is responsible for the spectral manipulation of the perceived sound. “A relationship between the different hearer types and the special characteristics of the sides is only logicalâ€Â.

    Special characteristics – that is certainly what separates fundamental and overtone hearers. Not only are the pitches differently interpreted, but also the instructions as to how sensitively a hearer will react to any given sound appear to be stored in the two halves of the hearing cortex. Quick, short, sharp impulses and virtuoso finger exercises – the left side and the fundamental hearer respond to them. Long stately melodies and the processing of sound colours – that is balm for the right side and soothes the overtone hearer.

    It is therefore no accident that the choice of instrument of fundamental hearers is predominantly percussion, guitar, piano and high solo instruments such as trumpet and transverse flute. On the other hand, overtone hearers choose instruments that produce long sustained tones with characteristic sound colours or formants in the spectrum – strings, lower brass or woodwind, organ and voice. Differences are apparent in the way of playing. fundamental hearers like it rhythmic or virtuosic, overtone hearers prefer long melody bridges and are especially interested in sound colours and harmony. “Interestingly enough, the arrangement of preferred instruments according to fundamental and overtone hearers corresponds with the seating arrangement of a modern symphony orchestra,†said Schneider. It's hardly a surprise that the difference between the hearer types occurs mainly in what is for mankind the most important frequency range, 1500Hz and below.

    It is only a short step from musical instruments to music. How does it work out in live music? Or in the mixing of a CD? When the recording engineer is a fundamental hearer and gives more value to rhythm than to tone colour, does the result then sound less good to overtone hearers? Do we find such recordings more or less pleasing? Do some musical styles therefore appeal more to us than others? Do overtone hearers prefer symphonic music, while fundamental hearers prefer a jazz concert?

    These are also burning questions among scientists. “For example, it is very interesting that some hi-fi set-ups have hardly any measurable differences, but are judged to sound very different,†says Dr.André Rupp, leader of the Biomagnetics Section, “is there perhaps a relationship?â€Â

    AUDIO has also posed this burning question. Are we finally on the trail of the puzzle as to why some components, be they horn speakers or flat speakers, polarise the hi-fi world so much? Base tone hearers pay more attention to timing and precision. If these criteria are fulfilled, fundamental hearers perceive tonal colouring even if these have been neglected.

    Overtone hearers again are inclined to forgive weaknesses in rhythm rather than tolerate sound colouring. If a rather extreme overtone hearer encounters a speaker designed and tuned by a fundamental hearer, the verdict will hardly be good. Might it be, perhaps, that here lies the secret as to why some names on the hi-fi scene are celebrated by some and demonised by others?

    AUDIO researches further

    The possibility that our completely individual biases are already genetically programmed is also probable [yes, it really does say that!]. It is important that one should know one's own personal hearer-type. However, one thing is certain; without further intensive research will the questions remain unanswered.

    AUDIO now gives you the unique chance to participate in what is perhaps the most spectacular hearing test in hifi history. Take part, load the hearing test CD, answer the questionnaire on pp. 15&16 and send to the address below. The indications of your hearing habits and predilections will help AUDIO and the Heidelberg researchers to add on more pieces of the puzzle and help form a clear picture of hi-fi and the world of sound. We shall send you the results of the hearing tests with your hearer profile.

    As a result, we can adapt our tests precisely to the requirements of our readers. Then one need no longer fight over good sound, but simply enjoy it.

    I sent in my results and never heard from them.
    tones, Jul 7, 2007
  17. melorib

    melorib Lowrider

    Jun 29, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Riga, Latvia
    Thats exactely what the Brasilian guy is talking about, from the instruments I prefer, I assume I am synthetic or fundamental hearer, but would like to do that test, could you copy it to the PC, and send it by email ?
    melorib, Jul 7, 2007
  18. melorib

    tones compulsive cantater

    Jun 19, 2003
    Likes Received:
    If I recall correctly, Antonio, the Hydrogen Audio site has it in downloadable form, perhaps try there first. Otherwise, I have the disc, which is no longer of intrest to me, and I'll gladly let you have that.
    tones, Jul 7, 2007
  19. melorib

    melorib Lowrider

    Jun 29, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Riga, Latvia
    melorib, Jul 7, 2007
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