Why is it...


Good Evening.... Infidel
Jun 25, 2003
Reaction score
In a world of pain
... that no matter how much money you have this month, something happens to absorb it?

After managing enough restraint on holiday to level out my funds and have a reasonable cushion in my account, yesterday on my way home from visiting my parents place a stone hit the headlamp of my car on the motorway, knocking a large piece of glass out of the lens into the lamp.

Mitsubishi want £170 + VAT for a new lamp... thankfully I know someone who breaks galants and he'll bring me one for £60, but that's still £60 I'd rather not have spent.

Add to that other car costs this month (£60 in winter preparations, £80 on new tyres) and there goes that cushion. Of course, it's the same every month (insurance this, insurance that, boiler servicing, car tax, etc).

Anyone know any good ways of making extra money? Even better if they're legal...
I know exactly how you feel. I won two £50 quid premium bond prizes in September :) ...and then the next day the exhaust on the car fell apart :cry:
Walked past my dog car the other day and sniffed a strong smell of petrol, looks like my fuel tank has sprung a leak. More money, more time, more effort. Why can't this kinda stuff happen only in the summer months , when it's usually dry, warm, long days, etc.
michaelab said:
Try this:


Explained here:


...allthough now it's been done once it won't be so successful next time around.


As soon as I saw that site in the Times I thought damn it, if only I had thought of that. I agree though things like that have to be original, its why there is only really one online auction site (I know they are others but they are useless), one freind reunited etc.

I know what you mean about money I bought a new phone thinking I could sell my PDA for £40 but it turns out the market is flooded with used Palms its worthless.
I've got (what I think is) a brilllllllllllllllllliant business idea. Only problem is, I don't know anything about the technology involved, nor do I really know how to make it so I could "sell" the idea, rather than just suggesting it to customers, and them going and doing it themselves.

Shame really, as I think it's pretty good.

Hard to believe that this is £60 (or £200 if you buy from mitsubishi) worth of damage... :(
Not really Isaac , its something I've been banging on about for a while, its our "sealed unit" throw away society of today, why repair something when we can throw away the old one and put in a new one. End of the day it costs YOU more and COST's the environment further, its the times we live in I'm told, well now its biting you in the arse.
does the light still work or is it just cosmetic? if it's just cosmetic then personally i'd rather have the 60 quid in my sky rocket thank you very much. maybe get it fixed before the next mot but you may be ok even then

I would plug it with silicon sealer until you are a bit more flush, as has been mentioned, we live today in a throw away society - quite unlike places such as India, where they will keep an ageing landrover going with whatever bits and bobs can be modified / hammered / welded to suit....
I've finished the replacement work now.

Yes, the unit still worked, but with the condensation in it the reflectors will corrode. As steveC says, it's an MOT failure, even though it's outside of both the low and high beam patterns (being right up in the corner of the light). Plus there's the chunk of glass floating about inside the lamp, which could conceivably smash a bulb or get lodged somewhere in the optical path (and being a prism shape, this would not be good).
Of course, the old engineer's rule...

Only two things are required to fix anything:
WD40 for things that should move but don't.
Duct Tape for things that move but shouldn't.

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