Will the real D Louth stand up.

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by D Louth 77, Aug 7, 2008.

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  1. D Louth 77

    larkrise Sheepdogs prefer red wine

    Mar 12, 2005
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    Ivor T. - is that you?
    larkrise, Aug 7, 2008
  2. D Louth 77


    Jan 13, 2005
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    D Louth 77, I personally do not have a problem knowing that you are in the hi-fi retail business. Any more so than if you are a doctor or an accountant. Your (personal) opinions are as valid as anyone else, perhaps more so than most as being in the business, you will have more experience with a wider range of kit that most.

    My biggest problem is in dealing with people who decry a concept without actually checking it out for themselves before publishing their opinion on the concept. Likewise I believe it is a fact that certain kit such as mains cables, supports etc. can have a significant effect on the sound of a hi-fi system. It is also true that these same items may have no effect on another hi-fi system. In other words, there are few absolutes in this hobby of ours except our love of music. Therefore users ought not feel constrained to mention any perceived gains from the use of mains cables etc. in case it incurrs the wrath of the non believers on Forums.

    I subscribe to a number of Forums, mainly guitar and have received tons of scorn as a result of pointing out that low bitrate MP3 is rubbish sonically. Amazing really as these posters are musicians, most of whom could play me off the planet TBH, but it seems that musicians are the most cynical and least receptive to concepts that don't fit into any technicial or accepted 'box'. Yet these same guys will decry the purchase of a guitar that is painted the 'wrong' colour or has gold plated hardware! Despite the fact that playing wise or sound wise it is identical to a plain black guitar.

    So the gist of this post is to express your honestly held opinions and accept any flak. The alternative is to say nothing or equip yourself with a cross section of Forum membership acceptable kit such as valve amps, high efficiency speakers, no name wires etc. etc. Me, I prefer to use my own ears to help decide what kit I listen to and take what is thrown at me.
    Rocker, Aug 7, 2008
  3. D Louth 77


    Mar 31, 2006
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    DavidF, Aug 7, 2008
  4. D Louth 77


    Mar 31, 2006
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    I think there could be something in that.
    DavidF, Aug 7, 2008
  5. D Louth 77


    Apr 7, 2008
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    D Louth, I hope you keep on sharing your opinions. Sadly many don't back up thier statements. They're the ones who look foolish.
    defride, Aug 7, 2008
  6. D Louth 77

    mr cat Member of the month

    Jul 31, 2003
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    I don't mind dealers being on forums at all - just so long as they're not biased with the products they sell and use underhand tactics by slagging off other brands etc... :)
    mr cat, Aug 7, 2008
  7. D Louth 77

    D Louth 77

    Jun 13, 2008
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    Hi Rocker

    I agree with you and i am glad you don't have a problem with me being on ZG ,thank you.

    Bottleneck if i were to give that sort of info it would identify who i am and also make my presence here commercial the one thing i did not want my presence to be . So i must decline your well meant suggestion.

    I am saddened by what has happened and the betrayal of trust and if coops was so annoyed by my presence here as an undercover member of the trade ,why did he not out me weeks ago since he and i communicated and i told him who i was ? I think this at the moment is more interesting .

    lbr you will i hope understand as i have said elsewhere ,there was no intended deception or hidden agenda . But and i think all thats happening now proves my fear .That people in the trade are suspect some how and would be given a hard time . To be identified as such reduces ones ability to comment . At no stage have i ever said that any one should accept my word without testing it and if you agree great if not lets talk about it/or not as you see fit.

    Hi David F Thank you . As for your other idea see above why i don't feel that will work for me. I hope you can accept that.

    Hi Mr cat I will never do that. If i mention things i like in my own system i can't help that can i?
    Equally if something works their too. All i ask is have a look at a thing and if it works for you great and if not ,well thats ok.

    Def ride Thank you very much .

    Lark rise NO.

    Regards D Louth
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2008
    D Louth 77, Aug 7, 2008
  8. D Louth 77

    lordsummit moderate mod

    Jun 19, 2003
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    In the Northern Wastelands
    There has always been an unwritten rule at ZG that members who are in the industry add to their signature what it is they do.

    I suspect we need to make that explicit in the AUP.

    What do other members think?
    lordsummit, Aug 7, 2008
  9. D Louth 77

    Purite Audio Purite Audio

    Nov 25, 2006
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    'I am saddened by what has happened and the betrayal of trust and if coops was so annoyed by my presence here as an undercover member of the trade ,why did he not out me weeks ago since he and i communicated and i told him who i was ? I think this at the moment is more interesting' .

    You have never communicated with me , please do not lie, just declare that you are a dealer and cut the crap.
    Purite Audio, Aug 7, 2008
  10. D Louth 77


    May 29, 2008
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    I agree.

    If, for no better reason, than to ensure equal treatment. If a professional interest is declared by one, and not by another, then misunderstandings may all too easily occur.

    Additionally, it does the rest of us mere mortals no small favour to know that the person we are about to engage in verbal combat is a trained audio-ninja.:cool:
    Graffoeman, Aug 7, 2008
  11. D Louth 77


    May 2, 2006
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    West Mids
    Can a mod check posts to see who is telling the truth between D Louth and Coops (regarding the mysterious, missing, post ) and publish the results? It would be fascinating to see who is telling porkie pies....Its getting Like Eastenders really - lots of arguing and name calling, perhaps a fight? You never know, the way things are going Graaant might sign up for a bit of ZG aggression.
    banpe2006, Aug 7, 2008
  12. D Louth 77

    lordsummit moderate mod

    Jun 19, 2003
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    In the Northern Wastelands
    Me Guv.... Too much like being at work, got a wedding to go to this weekend, a life to lead.... etc.

    Personally I think all people in the trade should declare themselves, I'm all for openness. It only needs to say 'Hi-fi dealer', 'purveyor of fine wires', 'modder of DEQ units' as appropriate. Of course you could link to your shop or website. Uncle Ants has proven you can have a business and opinions.
    lordsummit, Aug 7, 2008
  13. D Louth 77


    Mar 15, 2005
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    I couldn't give a toss whether someone's a dealer or not or whether they describe themselves as such on ZG. Some dealers spout nonsense, some speak sense; some non-dealers don't know owt, some are mines of useful information. However, anyone, dealer or not, who says 'the [insert name of component] is rubbish' an an unqualified, unsupported assertion is spouting unhelpful nonsense.
    Joe, Aug 7, 2008
  14. D Louth 77

    lordsummit moderate mod

    Jun 19, 2003
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    In the Northern Wastelands
    TBH I'm not sure what this thread will achieve. I've closed it.
    lordsummit, Aug 8, 2008
  15. D Louth 77

    lordsummit moderate mod

    Jun 19, 2003
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    In the Northern Wastelands
    opened at D Louths request
    lordsummit, Aug 8, 2008
  16. D Louth 77

    D Louth 77

    Jun 13, 2008
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    Hi Guys

    I asked lord summit to review his decision as i felt i was being gagged . In hind sight that is not the case and i would ask that the hostility here would stop .

    I don't believe that i have done anything wrong ,many of you do and have made your views clear.
    However in regard to my joining and not declaring if i was trade or not . The join form did not ask or state i had to. As it was not a commercial decision on my part and as an individual only, i did not declare anything if you think this was wrong so be it ,i did not.No deception was intended but if i have hurt anyones sensibilities then i offer a simple sorry.

    To become trade on here would result in me being gagged by that status and render my involvement commercial or always viewed as such and i believe that will not work. I don't want to leave as some seem to like what i have said so far. We shall see.

    I and ZG have some thinking to do so lets call it a day on this thread until things are clarified and we all know where we stand and what is best for the future in regard to this issue .

    Thanks D Louth
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2008
    D Louth 77, Aug 8, 2008
  17. D Louth 77


    Jun 19, 2003
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    Fwiw you have been a breath of fresh air to the forum thus far hang around DL
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2008
    Ya-Boo, Aug 8, 2008
  18. D Louth 77


    Aug 30, 2007
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    I think people should be upfront and state clearly if they are in the trade.
    That said I had DL down as a dealer back on 19 July, his perspective/position was pretty transparent-I don't think he was dishonest.
    However IMO not being upfront does little to enhance the reputation of a trade blighted with more than it's share of shysters.
    cooky1257, Aug 9, 2008
  19. D Louth 77


    Jun 21, 2003
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    Ya-Boo said "Fwiw you have been a breath of fresh air to a the forum thus far hang around DL" - I concur.
    It's not who you are, it's what you say. Someone patently talking rubbish or promoting kit is fairly obvious after a while. D Louth does not appear to fall into either category.
    Neil, Aug 10, 2008
  20. D Louth 77

    SMEagol Because we wants it...

    Mar 23, 2007
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    I agree, you have been friendly and neutral throughout DL, sharing your system info was one of the most eclectic and interesting for a while, and I agree with Neil, that you have only enhanced this place which has been getting a little quiet of late. I'd have never guessed a trade connection from the few threads I've read. If I go in a bar I don't have to tell everyone what I do, if I don't detract and only add to an experience why should I have to share what I do. The thing about hifi, is that the true committed people don't just look upon it as a profession and a cynical excuse to extract as much cash from punters as possible - but a passion (complete with opinions), and you are entitled to a divide in my book - if you so wish, between work and private life, not being run out of Dodge!...

    Chill out... , its a forum, designed generally for fun.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2008
    SMEagol, Aug 10, 2008
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