Wireless (again)

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by MO!, Sep 27, 2007.

  1. MO!


    Mar 12, 2006
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    Okay here's the scoop with cable - ISPs like NTL/Virgen only support use of their own provided modems so typically Cable Boradband routers DO NOT have a built in cable modem.

    I use ADSL where this is not the case and it is common for the router to include the ADSL modem.

    So you will have to use your exisiting modem. I am led to believe that NTL modems have both a USB connection as well as an ethernet connection (RJ45). You will need the latter to connect the modem to your router.

    Therefore you will need the following: used ebuyer as cheaper than broadband buyer and free delivery over £49:

    1) Router (Buffalo)

    2) USB wireless adapter (Buffalo)

    3) Ethernet network card

    4) Ethernet network cable (get two of these, unless you already have a cable to connect modem to router)
    63P x2= £1.26

    Getting the router and wirelss adapter separately here is about the same as the £50 bundle you linked to

    Total cost circa £56

    Hope this helps
    kmac, Oct 3, 2007
  2. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    My current MOdem (NTL 250), is connected using a USB cable. It also has an ethernet connection but not having that on my computer, I've only ever used the USB.
    I'm pretty sure I've an ethernet cable that was supplied with it.

    I'll go ahead and order that lot then. No doubt I'll not have a clue what to do with it when it arrives so expect plenty more stupid questions!

    Many many thanks. I owe you a pint :guiness:
    MO!, Oct 3, 2007
  3. MO!


    Mar 12, 2006
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    Gear arrived yet?
    kmac, Oct 6, 2007
  4. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Yes it has. Firstly a BIG thumbs up for ebuyer! I've used them previously and been happy but very much so this time. I used the free postage offer for orders over £50 which would mean waiting up to 5 days.
    Turned up the following day! :)

    So.... I've not had much of a chance to get it sorted yet. I've installed the ethernet card and now have the MOdem plugged into that rather than using the USB option. Straight forward plug and play with no need to do anything at all really.

    I've had a quick bash with the wireless stuff but came to an end.

    I was unsure of the order which to go about it. I went for the usb adaptor first which was again simple enough.

    I then used the two cables to go from MOdem to router, then router to ethernet card. Turned it on and it seemed to install easy enough.

    When I tried to do it wirelessly though I hit a few problems. I'll give it another bash later and see if I can suss it out. Seems like it should be simple enough though.
    MO!, Oct 7, 2007
  5. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Right. This is starting to get on my tits.

    The instructions are crap and I can't get it working. It looks like it should be simple enough, and I think it did work for a while.

    I'm trying to go back and do it all from scratch but the instructions don't seem to add up. I'm sure they do and I'm just being thick though.

    With the ethernet cable going from the router to the pc it works fine (which is what I'm currently doing), but when I plug in the USB adaptor I can no longer access the net. So I try to connect the USB and the router but it seems to only get so far then nothing.


    Anyone care to give a complete idiots guide to doing this?

    What order do I do it?
    MO!, Oct 7, 2007
  6. MO!


    Mar 12, 2006
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    Okay first try to connect with wires as follows:

    1) Connect modem to router with cable that came with modem (RJ45 connector)

    2) Connect PC to router using ethernet cable

    This should show the following:
    1) Modem is working
    2) Router is working
    3) Compuer is configured for wired networking

    Next installment in a little while....have to go to a meeting now.
    kmac, Oct 8, 2007
  7. MO!


    Mar 12, 2006
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    Part II

    Use the wored connection to the router to configure if ofr wireless networking.

    Initially set up a wireless netwerk with a SSID - i.e. choose a name. Set WEP to none (i.e. no encryption) and check security settings ( access control)

    Normally ina woreless netwrk you can allow any device to connect to the router or you can specify the "MAC" addresses that can connect.

    Find out the MAC address of the USB Wireless adapter and ensure that the router can connect to any MAC address or if a specified list that you enter the MAC address of the adapter

    This will ensure that the router end is now configured for wireless networking

    Next insert the USB adapter into th the desktop and ensure it is installed ( I think that partiucalr one doesn't need you to install drivers from a CD)

    Then configure wireless netwrkinging on the PC. Go to "start", "settings" then "network connections"

    Right click the USB wireless device and select the advance networking tab.

    Eneter the name (SSID) of the netwrk as configured on the router and you shoud now be connected both wired and wirelessly to the router.

    One each icon in the "network connections" window, right click and check the item that says - display status icon in task bar ( or something to that effect.

    You can now monitor whetehr each connection ( wired and wireless ) has connected.
    kmac, Oct 8, 2007
  8. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Hi kmac. I'm struggling to follow your reply.

    I've gone back to scratch and below is partly copied from the email reply I just sent to Bufallo.....

    "I connect my cable modem to the to the router, then the router to my pc.
    At this point I am able to access the net as normal.

    I then follow the supplied instructions for XP and open the Airstation configuration page in my browser by typing the IP address in that I'm instructed to.

    Username "root" and password left blank as instructed.
    Everything looks fine.

    I then connect the USB adaptor which XP detects and installs drivers for, and then also install client manager.

    I'm informed "1 or more wireless networks are available". I click the AOSS option and then press and hold the AOSS button on the router until it flashes. The AOSS progress box says it's searching, then that it's found an Airstation in AOSS mode.

    However, It gets as far as "Information is being exchanged with the Airstation. Aquiring encryption type and encryption key."
    And then an error box appears....

    "an error occured when exchanging the security key. - Switch off the security firewall on the computer. - Place the airstation close to the computer...."

    The firewall is turned off, and the airstation is very close to the computer.

    I then click cancel which tells me the changes are being restored - which is the point I am currently at."
    MO!, Oct 8, 2007
  9. MO!


    Mar 12, 2006
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    If the AOSS set-up won't work, you can set up manually as well.

    The router generates a security key and has to send this to you PC for it to use. Sounds like your computer is not accepting this key.

    In case Buffalo do not come back to you (I hope they do as this AOSS seems to be the easiest way to set-up the wireless connection), you can mnaually set up a connection as follows:

    Go the to configuration section of you router by going to the Ip address: , then use the password "root" etc as you did before. Not sure why you did this before asd you only need to do this if configuring manually - did you change any settings when you went in?

    To set up manually:

    1) Set wireless networking to "on"
    2) Check what the default SSID name is and make a note of this
    3) Ensure encryption is set to "off" ( You can turn this onlater after you get it to work without)
    4) Check access control (authentication) is also set to "open" (Can change this later)

    Then go to to "Start", "Settings" " network Connections" on you PC.

    Richt click the icon for the wireless client adapter

    Select the tab for "advance settings" and ensure
    encryption is set to off and enter the SSID you copied earlier
    Save and close and you should now be able to connect wirelessly

    Else PM me when your doing this and perhaps we can have a chat( where are you based?)
    kmac, Oct 9, 2007
  10. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Strange. I wrote a reply to this thread this MOrning. Thought I'd check on it now... and my reply doesn't show up. Maybe it's a sign I'm just not meant to use computers!

    In short....

    I've had a reply from Bufallo which told me to try booting up in "safe MOde with networking". I've doen that and without needing to do anything else, the wireless connection is working!
    However, they've not told me what this might indicate is wrong, and how to correct it so as to be able to get it working under a normal boot up.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 9, 2007
    MO!, Oct 9, 2007
  11. MO!


    Mar 12, 2006
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    Once you've got it working, it has set all the confiugration settings so these will be saved and it should work every time you boot up

    This wil work even if you boot up in normal mode
    kmac, Oct 9, 2007
  12. MO!


    Mar 12, 2006
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    Hey you didn't type "MOrning" in you last post!!!
    Or "Safe MOde with networking"

    You really are getting fed up with computers...:)
    kmac, Oct 9, 2007
  13. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Well I've just restarted the computer in normal MOde (;) ), and no wireless. Tried the AOSS and still only getting as far as before where an error occurs exchanging the security key.

    Yes indeed I am getting a bit fed up with it.
    Hopefully by asking me to try safe MOde, bufallo might know what the problem is and get back to me.

    Thanks for your time and patience :)
    MO!, Oct 9, 2007
  14. MO!


    Mar 12, 2006
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    Quite bizarre, but since Buffalo asked you to try safe mode there must be known issues - hopefully they can sort it out but as I said if all else fails I can certainly walk you through manual set-up.
    kmac, Oct 10, 2007
  15. MO!

    garyi Wish I had a Large Member

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Hey MO, get a computer from this century.

    End Of.
    garyi, Oct 10, 2007
  16. MO!

    Bob McC living the life of Riley

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Sunny Cheshire
    Well done Garyi, such restraint avoiding the fruit word.
    Bob McC, Oct 10, 2007
  17. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Hey Gary.... you pay for it?
    MO!, Oct 10, 2007
  18. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Not sure what's changed - nothing knowingly, but all is working now.

    Did as I'd done before and it happened to work and has been fine since.

    Happe for now.
    MO!, Oct 18, 2007
  19. MO!


    Mar 12, 2006
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    Weh hey - congratulations. You are wireless then.

    If you are planning to mive the computer some distance from the router, I would look into getting a better ( more sensitive) antenae. of course if it works well without it, you are sorted.
    kmac, Oct 18, 2007
  20. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Woo Hoo!!!

    I'm moving the computer from an upstairs room, to a converted garage. I've a PSP, which I only just realised has wireless capability. I've tried that in the garage room, and it worked fine.
    I need to finish decorating before moving the computer in there.

    Is this secure? How do I check or would I be informed when someone wants to access it.

    Also, I'm not even completely sure what I've got here. I gather others can share the broadband connection, but can I also now send files between computers using this set up?

    Thanks again.
    MO!, Oct 18, 2007
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