Wireless - Educate me :)

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by MO!, Mar 11, 2007.

  1. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Following on from the "phone, tv, broadband" thread (https://www.audio-forums.com/as-rediect/showthread.php?t=15494)

    The sky deal includes a "free wireless router worth over £50". And if you're computer/laptop isn't wireless enabled, you can buy the equipment from sky.

    Two things....

    I've friends who are also interested in this. How do I check if their laptop is wireless enabled? Under device manager/network adaptors I can see both "sis 900 pci fast ethernet adaptor", and "1394 net adaptor". What are these? Are either of them relevent?

    Assuming they're not (and knowing my own pc doesn't have a wireless card), should I go for the sky option, or I'd imagine sorting it out myself would let me get something better?

    So, what do I need for both my desktop, and their laptop?

    Please keep this idiot proof :)
    MO!, Mar 11, 2007
  2. MO!

    I-S Good Evening.... Infidel

    Jun 25, 2003
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    In a world of pain
    The computer you describe doesn't have wireless.

    What you can have as quite a useful device for "guest" users is a USB wifi adaptor. It's a dongle similar in physical size to the USB flash drives, but provides wireless. That will work equally for desktops and laptops, but you can get better performance with a PCI card.

    Sky will charge you over the odds for such things.
    I-S, Mar 11, 2007
  3. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    I think the USB wifi adaptor you describe is similar to my bluetooth adaptor? [​IMG]

    I'd be looking to get an internal solution. How much should I be looking to spend? Can anyone recommend one?

    For the friends laptop, I'm guessing they'll need an external solution like the USB one you describe. Again, can anyone recommend one, or is it possible to add an internal one for better performance?

    Also, is the wireless router that sky provide likely to be both wireless, and able to be connected by a cable too? I'm thinking I could hardwire it to the decktop, and use the wireless for other computers in the house.

    MO!, Mar 11, 2007
  4. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    btw, that pic's off google. I don't bite my nails as this chap appears to!
    MO!, Mar 11, 2007
  5. MO!

    I-S Good Evening.... Infidel

    Jun 25, 2003
    Likes Received:
    In a world of pain
    Yes, that's the sort of thing for the usb one.

    The wireless router should have wired ports on it also, and that will be the best solution if they're close to one another.
    I-S, Mar 11, 2007
  6. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    If I connect the router to the desktop, what sort of connection would it be? Not sure I have the required ones on my (ancient) desktop.

    Also, I assume even if wired to the desktop, the wireless function would still be available to other laptops and desktops in the house?

    Anyone have any specific recommendations of what tolook for in a card? They seem to be available in many types and ranging from a few quid, to a few hundred. I'm well and truly lost :rolleyes:
    MO!, Mar 11, 2007
  7. MO!


    Jun 25, 2004
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    You'd be connecting via Ethernet; on the wireless routers I've set up for myself and friends, you need to use an Ethernet connection in the first place to configure the router before you can use it wirelessly.
    stickman, Mar 11, 2007
  8. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Right then. I've not got an ethernet connection on my pc. Do wireless cards have ethernet connections on them?
    MO!, Mar 11, 2007
  9. MO!

    garyi Wish I had a Large Member

    Jun 19, 2003
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    In order for your PC to become wireless Mo is needs a wireless card in it. These come in a number of formats. Newer PCs have them built into the mother boards. You can also buy USB ones. I would be inclined to see if there is a PCI one available for your PC.

    The ethernet connection would not help you in this instance. It would be need to configure the router, and no doubt could be used with the router.

    In my experience wireless on a PC is typically pointless, 9 times out of 10 its next to the modem any how and ethernet is so much more robust than wireless.

    However for laptops its the bomb, so your mate wants to get a PCIMA wireless card they are only about 20 quid and do a good job. Do not get a USB one for a lap top and especially not from Belkin, we had terrible troubles getting that damn thing working, requireing to restart the lappy in order for it to work, and it stuck out about 6 inches haha!
    garyi, Mar 11, 2007
  10. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    You seem to be saying I don't need an ethernet connection, and that I do :confused:

    To clarify....

    I'm looking at the Sky Broadband offer which gives you a wireless router.
    My understanding is this connects to a phone line?
    The computer then connects to this by either an ethernet cable, or a wireless card?
    I have neither.
    I'm confused by the seemingly endless options available.

    I want to be able to share the broadband connection with future computers/laptops brought into the house. Also, I want to be able to share files wirelessly.


    For the friends laptop, they have the ethernet connection. Well, I'm assuming that's what the "sis 900 pci fast ethernet adaptor" mentioned in the initial post is.
    I gather the ethernet connection is needed for setting up the thing in the first place, but obviously they wont want their laptop wired in place. Link to a specific card would be great :D
    MO!, Mar 11, 2007
  11. MO!

    Sid and Coke

    Jun 19, 2003
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    East Coast Scotland
    According to the installation guide for my own router it says to connect my PC to the router using an ethernet cable in the first instance to configure everyhting, however i know that once configured any other computers that are connected to the router can be done via wireless connection only if so desired. (Most routers will be supplied with an ethernet cable for this purpose). You don't need to connect a new computer to your existing wireless network via a wired connection first. (This is how folk log onto neighbours unsecured networks without them knowing) .
    My daughters PC has never been connected to my router/network via a cable , only ever via wireless.

    Basically once your Wireless Router is set up and is actually broadcasting its signal, any network adaptor card that is within range will pick up the signal and display it as an available network. If you live in a very busy hotspot ( eg a block of flats, etc.) then your computer will pick up lots of different available networks all you need to do is Highlight Yours/the one you want to log onto ( you give it a unique identifier - mine is called 'Bugger Off !' ) , input the security code (assuming you have set one ) and the new computer will be able to connect to your network wirelessly.

    An internal PCI wireles card will cost about £20 ( I bought one at Xmas for my daughters new computer), a straight Ethernet card with RJ45 socket will be much cheaper (* SEE EDIT ), you might even be able to get a single card that has both.

    It might even be the case that once the router is initially configured using the ethernet cable, you can then disconnect this and reconnect using wireless, obviously you will need to write down all of your security codes etc so you can 'get on' your network.

    * Edit:Just to give you an idea for your existing computer you will need one of these : PCI wireless adaptor card and one fo these NIC - Network Interface card as with all things there will be other options open to you nad you can spend a lot more money if you want to, be warned though when it come to Home networking buying something with a fancy badge and price tag ( eg DrayteK , etc ) will not guarantee you a painless network setting up experience , just take a look through the off topic areas of ZG, PFM etc and you will see plenty of headaches from folk running the top gear....
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2007
    Sid and Coke, Mar 11, 2007
  12. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Thanks for that S&C.

    I've been browsing dabs.com and ebuyer and there just seems to be so many I'm unsure what's what.
    If someone with MOre knowledge than me (pretty much anyone :D) can link to something that's up to the job that would be much appreciated. Either seperate wireless and ethernet, or an all in one jobby if it'll give as good performance.

    I'm willing to spend a bit extra if it'll give a worthwhile benefit.

    Also, a link to a solution for the friends laptop would be much appreciated too.

    Much appreciated.
    MO!, Mar 11, 2007
  13. MO!

    Sid and Coke

    Jun 19, 2003
    Likes Received:
    East Coast Scotland

    Here are some links:

    If your pals Lappy does not already have wireless hardware installed then he will need something like this to plug in to his PCMCIA slot PCMCIA Card It might be an idea to check on the website of the laptop manufacturer to see if wireless was an option for his machine, if so he might be able to retro-fit the wireless option, although it might mean stipping down the laptop to install it, or just simply fitting a PCB type card as the antenna might already be installed into the machine either way its a piece of piss here's one i prepared earlier :)

    And then you just need the two cards i mentioned in my last post . Assuming you already have a telephone cable going to your PC already , just set up the router right next to it and then you will only need to fit the one NIC and no wireless. Like Garyi said the cable connection will be more robust and the file transfer rates will be higher than wireless anyway.

    Sid and Coke, Mar 12, 2007
  14. MO!

    Sid and Coke

    Jun 19, 2003
    Likes Received:
    East Coast Scotland

    all these ISP's seem to be branding their product as 'Wireless Broadband' these days. This is a bit of a bullshit product description really. What most of them mean is that they will provide you with a Wireless 'Router' instead of a USB ADSL modem that they normally provide. You can of course buy and use your own hardware, ( which is what i do), but they will not give you any tech support for it.
    If you get a wireless router off your ISP and use it then you only have one set of people to shout at when it goes wrong, and it is normally 'free'

    I use my own Wireless router . I have always bought whatever the cheapest E-Buyer special was on offer at the time , usually made by Safecom and have had no major problems. Anything that has gone wrong has normally been down to my own stupidity and meddling or incorrect set up, i've never had any equipment actually breakdown, feel free to pay top dollar if you like badges though.
    OK in summary, equipment you may need to buy ;

    Wireless router
    Network Interface Card
    wireless card For your pals laptop

    There are lots of other options, these are the quickest and cheapest i could find to do what you want to do, the products I've linked to might be a load of crap, but will give you an idea to start from and you can do your own research , read user reviews , etc, etc...

    OK do you want to try and help me choose which digital camera to buy, I've been agonising for two days solid now in the £200 - £300 price bracket.... :D only joking...
    Sid and Coke, Mar 12, 2007
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