My 1966 model is pretty much trashed too, being glued to this thing ( Computer, mouse, etc) doesn't help either. Saw Physio this afternoon, a real decent bloke, that was my 3rd visit but had a bit of a set back last week, (after initial improvements) . Rather than just continue to take the money though he has set a limit of 3 more sessions to get a definate fix, if not he's chucking me back to the doc for further referals, scans , etc...
I saw my GP about 8 weeks ago to complain about my shoulder. He said i needed to see a shoulder specialist/clinic at the local hospital, but said it could take upto a year to get an appointment. I then remebered that i had BUPA cover with my job , would that make a difference ? ( I'd never used it in 5 years) . He almost giggled, "You'll get to see the specialist within two weeks in that case". pretty shocking really , but hey it's not my fault.
When i got my current job I didn't think free BUPA cover was much of an asset, especially as I'd never really been ill before. I no longer think that after knackering my shoulder. My Physio doesn't think that my shoulder/neck will ever get completely fixed, especially as i'd left it for so long before getting any treatment for it, but reckons i have the potential to improve mobility dramatically with the right diagnosis and fix.
Good luck to you, hope you get fixed up, i know how much these things hurt, and drag you down. If it persists for more than i few days I'd go and see the doc.
I put up with mine for months and months thinking it would go away. it just got worse and worse, maybe if i'd nipped it in the bud ( and listened to my wife's advice) i wouldn't have years of 'discomfort' heading my way now and in the future.
Be a tough guy and just put up with it in haste , then repent in pain for years at leisure.