WTB: Right shoulder, 1982 model

What happened have you broken it or somthing? I could offer one but I will be asking some where in the region of £5 milllion for it.
It's pretty knackered.

I have remembered why I called my hifi rack "tonne control".

Think I upset the shoulder on saturday with a washing machine. Then again yesterday with a fridge and freezer. Then again today with many pieces of granite...
I have a 1970 model (still compatable with later models <1989), slightly worn, 2 owners but comes with full service kit and history (Xrays, MRI scans and MOT certs)
PM if interested
My 1966 model is pretty much trashed too, being glued to this thing ( Computer, mouse, etc) doesn't help either. Saw Physio this afternoon, a real decent bloke, that was my 3rd visit but had a bit of a set back last week, (after initial improvements) . Rather than just continue to take the money though he has set a limit of 3 more sessions to get a definate fix, if not he's chucking me back to the doc for further referals, scans , etc...

I saw my GP about 8 weeks ago to complain about my shoulder. He said i needed to see a shoulder specialist/clinic at the local hospital, but said it could take upto a year to get an appointment. I then remebered that i had BUPA cover with my job , would that make a difference ? ( I'd never used it in 5 years) . He almost giggled, "You'll get to see the specialist within two weeks in that case". pretty shocking really , but hey it's not my fault.

When i got my current job I didn't think free BUPA cover was much of an asset, especially as I'd never really been ill before. I no longer think that after knackering my shoulder. My Physio doesn't think that my shoulder/neck will ever get completely fixed, especially as i'd left it for so long before getting any treatment for it, but reckons i have the potential to improve mobility dramatically with the right diagnosis and fix.

Good luck to you, hope you get fixed up, i know how much these things hurt, and drag you down. If it persists for more than i few days I'd go and see the doc.
I put up with mine for months and months thinking it would go away. it just got worse and worse, maybe if i'd nipped it in the bud ( and listened to my wife's advice) i wouldn't have years of 'discomfort' heading my way now and in the future.
Be a tough guy and just put up with it in haste , then repent in pain for years at leisure.
Isaac - guess this relates to your relocation.
I prescribe a trip to the Riverhead for a dose of Doctor Phil's finest anaesthetic........
Hope it sorts itself out soon.
i recomend you get yourself some weights and (starting off lightly and building up) excersise your upper body.
i had some really bad shoulder and back problems the year before last caused when i awkwardly lifted up my kid. went to the hospital and they were in two minds whether to crack me open and fiddle with things but let it go to see if i made any progress on pain killers. over the course of about 9 months it fixed itself. however i'd started my new health reigime and was lifting weights every day by that point. then after a few months i was again lifting something heavy and felt this odd crunch as my back / shoulder went out again. this time i just continued the weights (albeit at a lower weight) and the thing fixed itself after a few weeks. i've not had a relapse since.

It is just exertion. Didn't help it last night when I was moving the washing machine and stood up into a shelf. I think it's mainly that I'm doing wayyyy too much (I've only had help with washing machine and tv... moving everything else on my own, and I'm not exactly a big hefty bloke...).

Julian - I have a couple of back exercises, stretches and sit-ups that I do, and generally they help keep things together pretty well.

The Feldenkrais Method

I kid you not. Knees, shoulders, hips, pelvis, everything.

I'm sure you can download some Feldenkrais lessons on the Internet, buy books, tapes or cds. Follow the instructions precisely. All movements must be done extremely gently and with full awareness...

So gently in fact that if I was teaching you (and you had a bad shoulder, for example) I would do ask you to make movements with the other side of the body - staying away from the injured area. After you had learnt about this side you could do the other side in your mind only.

The Feldenkrais Method is to physiotherapy what Relativity is to Newton's Laws of Motion.
Yep it's a good one, I did some at college, together with the alexander technique. Well worth doing. The Feldenkreis lessons I went to were amazing. There was one where they did one side of the body first, that took an hour, then we had to walk round the room, which was covered with mirrors, we all looked like village idiots. It also had the tendency to make me laugh uncontrollably. I wish I could find my copy of the notes we were given afterwards.
Isaac - as you know i am literally just around the corner from you.
I'm busy getting the renovation works on Chris Towers sorted but i'm sure i can spare an hour tomorrow or sunday to help shunt things around if you are still struggling. Let me know before 4 today
The shoulders on my 1968 frame are currently in good working order, though i'll fall in behind Penance and yourself in the queue for spare knees!
chris1968 said:
The shoulders on my 1968 frame are currently in good working order, though i'll fall in behind Penance and yourself in the queue for spare knees!
All you knees guys:

To give you an idea of the Feldenkrais philosophy (although not its practical effects - you really have to experience it) ...

If you could work on increasing mobility particularly in the hips, pelvis and ankles, you would find that the knees had far less to do - basically they'd just have to bend in one primary direction. The knees would then recover, 'all by themselves'.
Thanks for all the offers of help guys. Luckily for you lot all the heavy stuff is done for now. Things have been a bit mad with work, preparing for a visit from important people. Just coming down off the carpet glue I've been sticking acoustic foam tiling up with all day.

Shoulder is much better, as I forced myself not to do any heavy stuff yesterday, and taking a break this evening because I've not had one in a long time.

Got to get up early tomorrow though cos they're delivering the bed between 8am (yeah right!) and 1pm.

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