I'm having a clearout and came across this:
XLO Test & Burn in CD, HDCD, 24K gold disc, offering channel identification, system burn in, demagnetising sweep, demagnetising fade, 315Hz test tone, clap trcak, relative & abolute phase check.
I got this with some equipment. It is unused and still in its sellophane wrapper.
I'll post it you (UK only please) in return for a £5 donation to the British Heart Foundation.
First come first served!
PM me and I'll let you know if you're the first, you can then make your donation (which I'll trust you to do)
XLO Test & Burn in CD, HDCD, 24K gold disc, offering channel identification, system burn in, demagnetising sweep, demagnetising fade, 315Hz test tone, clap trcak, relative & abolute phase check.
I got this with some equipment. It is unused and still in its sellophane wrapper.
I'll post it you (UK only please) in return for a £5 donation to the British Heart Foundation.
First come first served!
PM me and I'll let you know if you're the first, you can then make your donation (which I'll trust you to do)